March 28, 2020
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AEM Schedulers

Apache Sling Scheduler enables you to easily schedule jobs within your application. Jobs can be executed at a specific time, regularly at a given period or at the time given by a cron expression by leveraging the Sling scheduler service.

Scheduler in AEM
For Creating a scheduler in AEM, follow below steps -
- Create an OSGi configuration to read the scheduler specific values from the user i.e. cron expression, the name of the scheduler, custom parameter, etc.
- Create a sling scheduler which displays the custom parameter at an interval specified by the cron expression.

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.Designate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Sailaxman
* A Sling Scheduler demo using OSGi R6 annotations
@Component(immediate = true, service = CustomScheduler.class)
@Designate(ocd = CustomSchedulerConfig.class)
public class CustomScheduler implements Runnable {

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomScheduler.class);
private String customParam;

* Id of the scheduler based on its name
private int schedulerId;

* Scheduler instance injected
private Scheduler scheduler;

* Activate Method to initialize stuff
protected void activate(CustomSchedulerConfig config) {
// Getting the scheduler id
schedulerId = config.schdulerName().hashCode();

// Getting the custom parameter
customParam = config.customParam();

* Method Modifies the scheduler id on modification
protected void modified(CustomSchedulerConfig config) {
//Removing the scheduler

// Updating scheduler id
schedulerId = config.schdulerName().hashCode();

//Again adding the scheduler

* Method deactivates the scheduler and removes it
protected void deactivate(CustomSchedulerConfig config) {
//Removing the scheduler
* This method removes the scheduler
private void removeScheduler() {"Removing scheduler: {}", schedulerId);
//Unscheduling/removing the scheduler
* Method adds the scheduler
private void addScheduler(CustomSchedulerConfig config) {
// Check if scheduler is enabled or not
if(config.enabled()) {
// Scheduler option takes the cron expression as a parameter and run accordingly
ScheduleOptions scheduleOptions = scheduler.EXPR(config.cronExpression());
// Adding params;

// Scheduling job
scheduler.schedule(this, scheduleOptions);"Scheduler added");
} else {"Scheduler is Disabled");
* Overridden run method to execute
public void run() {"Custom Scheduler is now running using the passed custom parameter, customParam {}", customParam);
  • First, we are registering the class as a service and implementing the Runnable interface. At the same time, using @Desginate annotation, we are linking the OSGi configuration created in the previous section with this class.
  • Now, we are injecting the dependency.
  • In the activate() method, we are reading the required values. Then we are getting the schedulerId from the scheduler name.
  • The modified() method recalculates the schedulerId in case the OSGi configuration is modified.
  • In the addScheduler() method, we are registering the scheduler using the Scheduler API.
  • The run() method will be defining our task. Here we are just printing the customParameter in the logs.

By aem4beginner

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