March 23, 2020
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How to Enable SSL on AEM

Enable HTTPs in AEM 6.1
Why SSL?

It gives additional security to AEM instances, replication between authors and publishers also can be made secure.
We can enable SSL for the whole site or for specified pages in AEM
For example, if you want all pages of Geometrix’s Mobile Demo Site to be open in http port but the pages under the ‘company’ hierarchy to be open using a secure https port.


1. Create Credentials for Development:
Create a directory named SSL in the directory in the crx-quickstart directory. Execute the following command to create the credential and Keystore:
# keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -alias cqse -keystore crx-quickstart/ssl/keystorename.keystore -keypass <password> -storepass <password> -dname “CN=Host Name, OU=Group Name, O=Company Name,L=City Name, S=State, C=Country_ Code”
Note: For a production environment, you should use a certificate that is signed from a trusted certificate authority. Generate a certificate signing request and when obtained import it to your Keystore.

2.Configuring SSL on Author Instance:
1. Go to crxde and create a node of Name – Type – nt:folder
2. Under this folder create a node with below details
3. Name – org.apache.felix.http
4. Type – sling:OsgiConfig

Add the following properties in the node.

3. Forcing the Use of the SSL Port
2. Go to /etc folder
Create a new sling:folder with name as a map.
3. Now under /etc/map create http node of type sling:folder.
4. Under that create a node
· Name – localhost.4502
· Type– sling:mapping.
5. Add below properties to this node:
· Name: sling:redirect Type : String Value : https://localhost:4000
Name: sling:match Type : String Value : content/geometrixx-mobiledemosite/English/company/(.*).html ## add this line if you want to enable https for particular pages

Click Save ALL, your all pages will be automatically open with the https domain.

By aem4beginner

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