March 30, 2020
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Image Rendition with Cropping in AEM 6.2

"DAM Update Asset" is a default workflow that is triggered whenever any asset is uploaded into the DAM. This workflow helps to limit the size and quality of the image displayed.

Why Image Renditions are required:
  • Using different size images on the websites.
  • Images for different devices or viewPort.
  • Reducing the page load time. Existing Workflow Scenario:
Steps to create Custom Rendition:
  • Go to the "DAM update asset" workflow
  • Select "Process Thumbnails" Step.

Fig- Select and edit the Process Thumbnail Step

Add custom renditions as per your requirements

Fig - Add the Size of Rendition in Thumbnail Multifield

Cropping: In the existing “DAM Update Asset” workflow image renditions are getting generated for different resolutions by resizing the images, but here cropping for the assets is not happening. However the need was to crop the image uniformly(top, bottom, left, right).

To achieve this, follow the below steps:
  • Add Custom process(Rendition Image Cropping) step after “Process Thumbnail”.
  • Edit the Rendition Image Cropping process step.
  • Select the Process Tab.
  • Add the Workflow Process (Image Rendition Cropping Workflow Process).

Fig- Add the New Process Step and Select the

Custom Image Rendition Workflow process in the Process Tab

In the Process, tab Configure the rendition size in the Arguments field.

Fig- Configure The rendition size in the Arguments Section

Arguments: The custom workflow takes the arguments as input, fetch the original image size and crop the image from top, bottom, left and right.
Example: Let’s suppose the original size of the image is "2200*1200" and the required image size is "640*360".
  • Reduce the image from left and right equally ( 780px) to make the width as 640.
  • Reduce the image from top and bottom equally ( 420px) to make the height as 320.

Fig- Sample Image showing the cropping concept

Check the below code for Image Rendition Process:

package com.aem.sgaem.project.process;

import com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowSession;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkItem;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkflowProcess;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.metadata.MetaDataMap;
import com.aem.sgaem.project.utils.StringUtil;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.List;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

@Component(immediate = true, enabled = true, metatype = true)
@Service(value = WorkflowProcess.class)
@Property(name = "process.label", value = "Cropping Image Rendition Process", propertyPrivate = true)
public class ImageRenditionProcess implements WorkflowProcess {

private static final String PROCESS_ARGS = "PROCESS_ARGS";
private static final String EMPTY = "";
private static final String JCR_CONTENT = "/jcr:content";
private static final String CQ5_DAM_THUMBNAIL = "cq5dam.thumbnail.";
private static final String JPEG_EXTENSION = ".jpeg";
private static final String JPEG_MIME_TYPE = "image/jpeg";
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImageRenditionProcess.class);

private ResourceResolverUtil resourceResolverUtil;

private int requiredWidth;
private int requiredHeight;
private int originalWidth;
private int originalHeight;
private int cropWidth;
private int cropHeight;

/* This execute method crop the images as per the workflow Arguments */

public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap) {

LOGGER.debug("START OF execute METHOD");
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resourceResolverUtil.getResourceResolver();
String payload = workItem.getWorkflowData().getPayload().toString();
String processArgument = metaDataMap.get(PROCESS_ARGS, EMPTY);
Resource dataResource = resourceResolver.getResource(payload + JCR_CONTENT);

if (dataResource != null) {

Resource parentOfParentRes = getExactParent(dataResource, 2);
if (parentOfParentRes != null) {
Node node = parentOfParentRes.adaptTo(Node.class);
if (node != null) {
Double quality = 90.0;
try {
if (!EMPTY.equals(processArgument)) {
List<String> args = StringUtil.splitWithNewLine(processArgument);
for (String arg : args) {
Layer originalLayer = ImageHelper.createLayer(dataResource);
ImageHelper.saveLayer(getLayer(originalLayer, payload, arg), JPEG_MIME_TYPE,
quality, node, CQ5_DAM_THUMBNAIL + arg + JPEG_EXTENSION, true);
} catch (Exception exception) {
} finally {

LOGGER.debug("END OF execute METHOD");

private Layer getLayer(Layer layer, String payload, String size) {

LOGGER.debug("START OF getLayer METHOD");
String[] splitSize = size.split("\\.");
requiredWidth = (EMPTY).equals(splitSize[0]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(splitSize[0]);
requiredHeight = (EMPTY).equals(splitSize[1]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(splitSize[1]);
originalWidth = layer.getWidth();
originalHeight = layer.getHeight();
requiredWidth = originalWidth > requiredWidth ? requiredWidth : originalWidth;
requiredHeight = originalHeight > requiredHeight ? requiredHeight : originalHeight;
cropWidth = originalWidth > requiredWidth ? (originalWidth - requiredWidth) / 2 : 0;
cropHeight = originalHeight > requiredHeight ? (originalHeight - requiredHeight) / 2 : 0;
if (originalWidth > requiredWidth || originalHeight > requiredHeight) {
layer = cropImage(layer, payload);
LOGGER.debug("END OF getLayer METHOD");
return layer;

private Layer cropImage(Layer layer, String payload) {

LOGGER.debug("START OF cropImage METHOD");
String rectCSV = "0,0," + (requiredWidth + cropWidth) + "," + (requiredHeight + cropHeight);
Rectangle rect = ImageHelper.getCropRect(rectCSV, payload);
rectCSV = "0,0," + requiredWidth + "," + requiredHeight;
rect = ImageHelper.getCropRect(rectCSV, payload);
LOGGER.debug("END OF cropImage METHOD");
return layer;

private Resource getExactParent(Resource resource, int level) {
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
resource = resource.getParent();
return resource;

You can see all the renditions like this:

Fig - Renditions Created Under Dam Hierarchy

By aem4beginner

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