March 22, 2020
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Why you should think of using Adobe Cloud Manager for AEM Projects? Brief Overvie

As we all know, Adobe Cloud Manager(ACM) is part of the Adobe Managed Cloud Services. Using Adobe Cloud Manager(ACM) organizations can manage their AEM application in the cloud themselves.

-It includes continuous integration and continuous delivery.
-Code Inspection, performance testing, and security validation.
-Automatic, scheduled or manual deployment.

ACM documentation can be found here.

Can we move existing projects into ACM?
Yes. We can move any existing AEM projects into ACM with the recommended option of upgrading the AEM version to the latest.

How safe if Adobe cloud service?

Below given the security measures in Adobe Cloud Manager in detail.

Code push to Cloud Manager is encrypted in transit. Cloud Manager build binaries are also encrypted in transit and when stored.
Each customer gets their own Git Repository and code is secure and not shared with any other Organizations.
All the code push happens securely into the Git Repository over HTTPS protocol.
Any service with third-party cloud providers is always secured.
ACM(Adobe Cloud Manager) provides Role-Based Permissions, which ensure the user action on the application is defined within limits, which means the developer will not be able to delete the application from the cloud, only the authorized product owner or person will have critical permissions.

Quality checks
There are 3 types of checks provided by the ACM CI/CD process.
  • Code Quality
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
All critical issues reported by the system must be fixed.

Technical details of ACM build environment

ACM uses below build environment for managing CI/CD process
Linux based container
Oracle Java version 8
Maven version 3.3.9
Adobe maven repository( included default

Additional system packages include,
Imagemagick, Graphicsmagick, bzip2, unzip, etc.

Types of build pipeline configuration
3 Ways we can configure the CI/CD pipeline process on stage.
1. Manual
2. On Git Changes
3. Recurring schedule
For the production deployment, the system provides options as below
1. GoLive approval,
2. CSE oversight
3. Scheduled

Code quality in ACM pipeline
The ACM build does code inspection based on SonarQuebe, which includes around 110 rules like standard Sonar Java rules, FindBugs rules, Cognifide AEM Rules, Adobe-created Rules

By aem4beginner

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