April 12, 2020
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Adobe CQ5.6 First Impression

Adobe released it’s new version of the Communique suite (5.6) on Feb-8-2013. The release can be download from daycare or licensing.adobe.com for current customers. So what’s new in this release that will make you want to upgrade your project?
New in CQ5.6

1: It’s called AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) now
While I guess not that important, it’s going to be interesting if the name is going to stick – there were other occasions where Adobe tried to rename this product and at the end, we all keep calling it Adobe CQ (yes, we finally don’t call it Day CQ anymore).

2: Responsive Design Support
If you download the latest release and navigate to the geometrixx-media example webpage and switch over to preview mode, you’ll see a dropdown allowing you to easily and quickly change the device that you are using to view the site. Also, the geometrixx-media example is now a nice example of a responsive design website and a good starting point for your own projects since more and more people are going the route of designing tablet-first websites.
3: Adaptive Images Support
The inclusion (in the geometrixx-media codebase) of an adaptive-image component is a great addition to the component libraries available from the get-go in CQ. The adaptive image component helps you minimize the size of a page if browsing with a smaller device (mobile phone) by downloading a version of the image that matches the screen size of the device instead of using the browser to scale the image. Also, those pesky retina displays will get a different version of the image served to them leaving a better impression with your customer.
4: Launches
One of my favorite new features in CQ (sorry ADEP (oh now, it’s called AEM now)). You can now essentially branch your site structure and work on a future version of the site while still altering the current version of the site. The branch and the current version are kept in sync over the LiveCopy functionality. You can then launch your new content – the current copy of the content is updated at that time. There feature also makes use of the workflow package concept to allow you to publish all the pages you changed in one bulk transaction.

The sidekick allows you to switch between the current content or a branch and also has the ability to promote your branch.

Note: there are some issues with the out of the box components not working right in the branched mode. An example of this is if you go to the gemoetrixx example site and branch for example the ‘products’ section off you’ll see that the navigation is not working anymore. I heard some rumors that Adobe is addressing these issues.
5: Manuscripts/Articles
There is a new concept in 5.6 of content that does not live in the regular site hierarchy – you can author the manuscripts/articles with a wiki style editor and then include them anywhere on your site (great examples in the geometrixx-media site), select how many columns you want to use for the display of these articles and also add other content/images between every paragraph. It’s a great demonstration of authoring some sort of content outside of the regular site structure and reuse of that information in multiple places.
6: Publications
5.6 now allows you to create magazines and publish them through an Adobe service to your mobile or tablet devices and the App Store. Seems to be a great new feature and I’ll defiantly will spend more time on this one to learn how it actually works. It may be a nice feature to publish an internal or external magazine for a company.
7: New Code Editor in CRXDE Lite
CRXDE|lite got a new code editor – gone are the times of grayed out code, shadows, etc. Great to see that this issue has been addressed.
Many more Features

The official release notes can be found here. It also includes a list of the new features:


By aem4beginner

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