April 10, 2020
Estimated Post Reading Time ~ 2 mins

AEM Architecture

In the previous post, we discussed the basics of AEM and the reason behind its hype in the Digital Marketing space. In this post, we will go a bit more technical and will try to understand the architecture or the basic building blocks of AEM.

Hence, without wasting more time, let's dive into the AEM architecture.
image source: https://prezi.com/i97-ptdowxfi/aemcq-architecture/

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 
AEM is a Java-based web application hence it requires server-side Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Granite Platform
It is Adobe's open web stack and it forms the technical base on which AEM is built. It also provides the foundation UI framework and its major goals are to -
  • provide granular UI widgets
  • implement best UI practices
  • provide an extensible UI
image source: aemstack

OSGi Framework
image source: OSGi org

It is a set of specifications. Its core specification defines a component and service model for Java. A practical advantage of OSGi is that every software component can define its API via a set of exported Java packages and that every component can specify its required dependencies.

The components and services can be dynamically installed, activated, de-activated, updated, and uninstalled.

The OSGi specification has several implementations, for example, Eclipse Equinox, Knopflerfish OSGi, or Apache Felix. AEM uses Apache Felix in its tech stack.

Java Content Repository (JCR)
This combines the attributes of file systems and RDBMS and tries to provide the best of both worlds. According to JSR 283, "the Java Content Repository API defines an abstract model and a Java API for data storage and related services commonly used by content-oriented applications."

The JCR storage model is a tree of nodes and properties: nodes are used to organize the content and named properties store the actual data, either as simple types (string, boolean, number, etc.) or as binary streams for storing files of arbitrary size.

AEM 6.x uses Apache Oak as the JCR implementation.

Apache Sling
AEM is built using Sling, a Web application framework based on REST principles that provide easy development of content-oriented applications.
Sling uses a JCR repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, or in the case of AEM, the CRX Content Repository, as its data store.

From Apache Sling's official documentation, Sling maps HTTP request URLs to content resources based on the request's path, extension, and selectors. Using convention over configuration, requests are processed by scripts and servlets, dynamically selected based on the current resource. This fosters meaningful URLs and resource-driven request processing, while the modular nature of Sling allows for specialized server instances that include only what is needed.

Thus, anything present in the JCR can be accessed in a RESTful way using HTTP requests.

AEM Modules
On top of the above technology stack, there are AEM specific modules that run. These modules are AEM Sites, AEM Assets, Workflows, etc.

Custom Modules/Code
On top of everything, the organization-specific code runs which is according to their specific needs. In the upcoming posts, we will be learning to do this only - creating custom code on top of AEM.

By aem4beginner

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