April 21, 2020
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Basic of React Native

React Native is a framework for developing native applications using JavaScript. React Native accumulates native app components that make it possible for you to build native mobile applications. React and React Native, both the frameworks are very similar, as React Native uses a set of mobile-tailored components carried by the React package. Some of those components are Text, Navigator, TextInput, ScrollView, View along with native iOS/Android UI components.

React Native: Business advantages
  • React Native comes with Native components and Native Modules that help to improve performance, unlike PhoneGap, Cordova, and other cross-platform frameworks. React Native extracts some of the code components with native APIs.
  • React Native has all the advantages that React.js is offering you simply focuses on a better UI.
  • There is no more requirement to build the same application for iOS and Android, separately as React Native lets you reuse the common logic layer.
  • React Native’s component-based structure let the programmers build apps with a more agile, web-style approach than hybrid frameworks.
  • If you have a basic understanding of JavaScript, React Native is so easy to pick-up as it allows most front-end web developers to be a mobile developer. All you need to know is some native UI elements, JavaScript, platform APIs, and platform-specific design patterns and you’re set.
  • There is no more need to rebuild your existing app. All you are required to do is add React Native UI components into your existing app’s code, without having to rewrite it.
  • Native app development usually means a slower time to deployment, inefficiency and less developer productivity. React Native is all about responsiveness, bringing high speed and agility of web app development along with the best user experience to the hybrid space to provide your users with a native app experience.

By aem4beginner


  1. Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to use React native with AEM? What needs to be done to make this possible

  2. based of my understanding AEM is not working with recatNative / iconic, do you have any reference tha its working ??


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