April 13, 2020
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Creating a Custom Reporting Service for Adobe Experience Manager

You can create a custom reporting service for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) that stores AEM data. A benefit of creating a custom service is you can develop it to meet your business requirements and integrate the reporting service to use data queried from an AEM service. For example, you can create an AEM solution that queries enterprise data that a digital marketer is interested in viewing. Then you can write out the data to a report and store the report in the AEM Java Content Repository (JCR).

This development article extends an AEM application that is built by following another AEM development article that queries data from MySQL using a DataSourcePool. Before following this article, create the DataSourcePool application by following this article: Injecting a DataSourcePool Service into an Adobe Experience Manager OSGi bundle.

In this article, an option is added to the web application that lets a user specify if the queried data is written to a custom report. Consider the following AEM web application.

An AEM web application that lets a user generate a custom report with the result set

This development article walks you through how to build this custom reporting service. To read this development article, click http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem-reporting-service.html.

Note: Adobe Experience Manager supports reports without creating a custom reporting service. You can create a report by configuring JCR nodes and properties. For information, see Developing Reports.

By aem4beginner

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