April 14, 2020
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Creating a HTL Repeating Data Set 6.4 Component that uses Sling Models

You can create an Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 HTL component that displays repeating information that can be set by an AEM author during design time. For example, consider a typical on-line section of a sports site.

Using Experience Manager, you can create a similiar component using HTL and Sling Models. Each section of the HTL component can include:

a digital asset (located in the Experience Manager DAM)
a heading text
The following video shows an Experience Manager HTL component listing various sports stories about a youth football club.


To read this article - click -- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem64_htl_repeat_slingmodel.html

NOTE - Like we do in these HELXP articles - when porting your components/code to a new AEM version - its best practice to re-build your AEM OSGi bundles with the latest AEM Maven Archetype. Do not try and deploy a bundle built on AEM 6.2 (for example) onto 6.4. It typically will not work!

By aem4beginner

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