You can create an Adobe Experience Manager component that displays data queried from the Adobe JCR in a chart. Assume, for example, that you want to display financial data queried from the Adobe CQ JCR in a chart. In this situation, you can create a CQ widget that uses a JQuery chart library that displays result data in a chart. AEM Data displayed in a chart control
Each data point that is displayed is stored as a customer node's property named revenue, as shown in the following illustration.
Each customer node has a revenue property that is displayed in the chart
In this example, AEM data is queried from the JCR by using the JCR API within an OSGi bundle. The data is returned to the web page where it is displayed within a chart. This development article walks you through how to develop this AEM component. To read this development article, click:
Note: Out of the box, Adobe Experience Manager lets you create reports by setting JCR nodes and properties. However, this development article discusses how to develop a custom chart control using Java and JQuery. For information about using the AEM out of the box reporting feature, see Developing Reports.
AEM4BEGINNER blog is for Beginners who are interested in learning Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) aka Adobe CQ5 from basics. The Information provided in this blog is for learning and testing purposes only. Here, I have posted the information which I know or gathered from different sources.
April 13, 2020
Estimated Post Reading Time ~
Displaying Adobe Experience Manager Data in a Chart
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