April 13, 2020
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Extending AEM Collaboration with Slack

Adobe Experience Manager has great collaboration features for Projects, Task Assignment / Workflows and adhoc collaboration around things like Digital Assets. While email is traditionally a great tool for notifying users who aren’t logged in to AEM of a task assignment, I’ve seen an increase in the use of Slack for collaboration recently, which is not surprising, as Slack is a very handy tool! In fact, Adobe recently added Support for Slack in the Creative Cloud 

Adobe Evangelist Justin Edelson has shared some POC (Proof of Concept) code on GitHub that allows you to now integrate AEM with Slack! Now you can forward Notifications of Task assignment & Comments to a Slack channel as well as push direct messages.

Here’s what the POC code does;
1 – Waits for a notification event
2 – Looks up the mapping of the mentioned user if different to Slack and swaps it out
3 – Checks to see if the comment is linked to an asset in DAM
4 – Composes a message and sends it to the Slack Incoming Hook API.

Here is how to setup
Create an incoming webhook within Slack

Grab and install ACS AEM Commons

Grab the source and compile from here;
(or grab a precompiled package on Dropbox)

Edit the AEMSlack Notifier component config
Go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
Update the Property URL (the Webhook URL) & add Username Mappings

By aem4beginner

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