Retrieve the Lucene Index:
By default in Oak the Lucene Index files are stored in NodeStore and will not be accessed directly but if the following configurations("Enable CopyOnRead" or "Enable CopyOnWrite" ) are enabled in "Apache Jackrabbit Oak LuceneIndexProvider" the Lucene Index will be copied to Local files system path, If the "Local index storage path" not specified then indexes would be stored under 'index' dir under Repository Home (localIndexDir)

If the index is copied to the local file system this can be directly accessed, the index is stored in the file name starts with segments

The mapping between the local path and the index can be found here - http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak%3Aname%3DIndexCopier+support+statistics%2Ctype%3DIndexCopierStats (this URL will available only if the above mentioned properties are enabled)

The below steps can be be followed to retrieve the indexing files if the index files are not stored in local.
Download oak-run-x.x.x.jar that corresponds to AEM Oak version, the AEM Oak version can be identified from CRXDE(the oak-run version 1.4.1 was not working and I downloaded 1.8.0 version -
Execute java -jar oak-run-1.8.0.jar index <Node Store Path> e.g. java -jar oak-run-1.8.0.jar index C:\Albin\Development\AEM\6.2\crx-quickstart\repository\segmentstore to identify the available indexes, the index stats and index definitions under the folder from where the command is executed

The indexing status and the definitions can be accessed from the following URL also - http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak%3Aname%3DLucene+Index+statistics%2Ctype%3DLuceneIndex

Execute java -jar oak-run-1.8.0.jar console <Node Store Path> e.g. java -jar oak-run-1.8.0.jar console C:\Albin\Development\AEM\6.2\crx-quickstart\repository\segmentstore
lc dump <Target path to dump the index file> <Index Path> e.g. lc dump C:\Albin\Development\Oak /oak:index/users

Analyze the Index File:
Download and oak-lucene-1.4.1.jar(based on the AEM oak version)
Place both the jar files in folder
Execute java -cp luke-with-deps.jar;oak-lucene-1.4.1.jar org.getopt.luke.Luke
Select the parent folder of the index file
For index generated through oak-run-x.x.x.jar

For index created in local file system

This will display the overview of available documents, terms and fields

Documents tab shows indexed documents, clicking on Reconstruct&Edit displays the fields level details

The documents in the index can be searched in the Search tab - Eneter the search expression and select the search field

Click on "Explain Structure" this will displays the query structure

Select the document in the result and click on "Explain Query", this will display the query execution details

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