April 1, 2020
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How to work with Report in CQ / WEM

Use Case: You want to create custom report for anything in CQ

What we are covering:
I will give one custom example and guide you how to create report within CQ for your custom requirement.

Q: Where I can find all CQ OOTB reports.
A: You can find them under /etc/reports. You can also navigate to CQ report using siteadmin -> tools-> /reports -> double click on any report

Q: Where is code for OOTB reporting templates and component
A: They can be found under /libs/cq/reporting and API http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/javadoc/com/day/cq/reporting/package-summary.html (I don't think you might have to use these API, Unless there is any specific requirement )

If you read above document very carefully, You will find that not all the reports comes with CQ uses CQ reporting framework. Specially Request log parser report and Disk Usage report.

We will cover CQ reporting example here using CQ reporting framework. For any other report please use example of disk usage or log parser report.

Create CQ report to get Geometrixx product page information. Report should include,

1) Title
2) Tags
3) URL
4) Overview Link
5) Feature Link

You should be able to group report based on Tags. You should also be able to see chart representation of report. You should also be able to export report outside CQ instance.

First, Make sure that this can be done using CQ reporting framework. For that go through each field for report and make sure that those are available as properties within that page through "Fix" path and there is no complex logic involve to get that data.

Once you know that this can be done using CQ reports, Start developing report.

Step 1: Create template

Create a template for your report. See example under /libs/cq/reporting/templates.
Create node called /apps/cq/reporting/templates
Easy is to copy existing report from /libs (I copied user report) to /apps and rename it. In our case I created a report called /apps/cq/reporting/templates/productReport
Go to /apps/cq/reporting/templates/productReport/jcr:content/report and assign resource type for your custom report. Also create a property called "rootPath" and assign value as "/content/geometrixx/en/products"
Template will look like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0"
jcr:description="Geometrixx Product Report"
jcr:title="Geometrixx Product Report"
shortTitle="Product Report">

Step 2: Create Component
You can see example under /libs/cq/reporting/components/<I copied userreport>. Copy directory structure under /cq/reporting/components and rename it as productreport
Create / Rename (/libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/userreport to cq/reporting/components/productreport/productreport)
Make sure that you have following nodes, /apps/cq/reporting/components/productreport/productreport/charting for creating chart data for grouped items. /apps/cq/reporting/components/productreport/productreport/dialog for existing report dialogs. /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/userreport/queryBuilder to specify query that needs to run against the report.
Change /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/userreport/queryBuilder, nodeType property to "cq:PageContent". Because your page jcr:content node has all those properties that we are looking for in our report.
Please see http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/developing/developing-reports.html#Query Definition if you want to add additional constraint in query. For example give me only those page whose cq:template value is "Something", In that case you would create something like this

N:queryBuilder N:propertyConstraints [ N: N0 // array of nodes (name irrelevant), each with the following properties: P:cq:template P:something ] P:nodeTypes cq:PageContent

Step 3: Create all Column
Once we have a query definition to get all pages, Now you can create a column to show in your report.
For that see example under /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport and see how each column is configured.
You can copy one column from /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport under /apps/cq/reporting/components/productreport to start with
Description About field for a column can be found here http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/developing/developing-reports.html#Column Base Component
For example in our case, we want a Tag column. for that create /apps/cq/reporting/components/productreport/productreport/Tagcol with following definition
Now suppose you want an overview page path, for that you have to navigate to Overview node and then show it. In that case, the definition would look like this

By aem4beginner

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