April 10, 2020
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Steps to access and explore CQ Internal Project

The purpose of this blog is to provide generic components and services functionalities needed in projects.
The CQ Internal project is hosted at “https://github.com/IntelligrapeAEM/IgWebCMS
The Steps to reproduce functionalities of the internal project are:
1. Create a new folder where you would like to take a checkout of code.
2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder location you created above in   repository and then Git clone the project url listed above via command
“git init” then type “git clone https://github.com/IntelligrapeAEM/IgWebCMS
3. Enter the following build command in command prompt after navigating to your folder location.
“mvn clean install -P auto-deploy”.
4. The first-time build will fail, kindly create folder named “install” of type “sling:folder” under /apps/ig-igwebcms directory in crxde and run the command again shown in step 3.
5. The project is now in your crxde repository and up and running. In siteadmin create a page using the required template and review functionalities by dragging the required component on that page.

By aem4beginner

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