April 13, 2020
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Submitting .NET client application data to the Adobe CQ JCR

You can create a .NET client application that can modify Adobe CQ JCR nodes and properties by using a Restful Sling request. The .NET application can create a node, modify an existing node, and delete a node. For example, assume that you are responsible for building an application for an insurance company interested in persisting claim data in the Adobe CQ JCR. When an end-user fills in the form and clicks the submit button, the .NET application data is submitted to Adobe CQ. A new node is created and the data is stored as node properties.

A .NET client application that is able to submit data to the Adobe CQ JCR

When the user fills in this .NET application and clicks the 'Submit Claim to JCR', the data is submitted to the CQ JCR.

Claim data submitted from the .NET client application

Because Adobe CQ accepts Restful requests, you are not limited to the type of client technology to use to submit data. That is, you can use any client technology that supports Restful requests. This development article walks you through how to build this .NET client application that can submit data to the Adobe CQ JCR. To read this entire development article, click


By aem4beginner

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