April 14, 2020
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Using Jackrabbit UserManager APIs to retrieve group permissions

You can develop an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) OSGi bundle that uses the Jackrabbit UserManager APIs to retrieve group privileges for a specific node. This API provides access to both AEM users and groups and is located in the org.apache.jackrabbit.api.security.user Java package. For more information, see Interface UserManager.

For example, consider a group named geometrixx-facebook that has these permissions to a node located here:

The following illustration shows the privileges for the geometrixx-facebook group.

Using an OSGi bundle that contains the Jackrabbit UserManager API, you can dynamically retrieve group privileges. In this development article, group privileges for a page are written to the AEM log file.

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:read

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:modifyAccessControl

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: crx:replicate

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:versionManagement

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:lockManagement

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: rep:write

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:readAccessControl

Click: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/developing-aem-osgi-bundles-jackrabbit_group.html.

By aem4beginner

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