April 24, 2020
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What is a OSGI, Bundle in AEM

I am sure you would have heard about OSGi, the moment you started searching for info related to AEM. It is the final topic for this learning series. Open Source Gateway Initiative (OSGi) provides a modular Java development platform. I don’t want to complicate things here. (This is just a general overview of OSGi.)

When you install AEM, you also install a Felix console. Access the console using the following URL: http://localhost:4502/system/console. It’s more like a server where you can deploy your Java programs as bundles.

You can see a lot of bundles here. Bundles are nothing, but Java programs (jar files) running on the server. Each of these bundles is used for accomplishing a specific task. For example, you want to convert your web page to a pdf, things like that. You can create bundles using Eclipse IDE. Adobe provides a plugin for your aid.

For the time being, have a basic idea of the OSGi connection. It helps Java developers to create and deploy Java bundles to perform complex tasks.
In the next learning series, we will create, deploy, and access bundles.

By aem4beginner

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