May 10, 2020
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Adobe AEM with SAML


What you’ll need

the XML from the IdP or the .crt file, the public certificate file

The URL to redirect to for the login page the Path in AEM to go to after the user has signed in

The Server ID, commonly but not always the URL of the server

first up, open the /system/console page in AEM

Then find the SAML configuration

Change the configuration, to set the IdP URL (maybe ending in /adfs/ls/)

Set the paths you want to secure with SAML.

Untick the box to make it POST to the IdP instead of redirect. We want SSO and not IdP-initiated authentication.

Set the after-signin path.

Set the groups the user needs to belong to.

in CRXDE open /etc/key and create a node called ‘saml’. Add a binary property to this new node named ‘idp_cert’ and save - you have to save before you can upload the binary data for this property. Edit the property and upload the .crt file here. Save it, and we are done.

If you only have an xml file from the IdP and no crt file, you can extract the key from the file - it should be obvious as a big block of base64 data. This needs to be ‘top and tailed’

sample from


without the begin/end lines, it will be ignored. save this as plain text, then upload as per the instructions for crt files.

testing it works... use a private/incognito browser window, or a fresh browser. go to the path you are securing, see the login window

if it doesn’t redirect, make sure you’re not logged in somehow to AEM, particularly if you are setting up author and have used the same browser to configure the OSGi components.

UID you might need to adjust the uid setting in osgi, if the IdP uses a different property name.

Redirect filter. Set this up to match your needs.

SSO vs IdP initiated SSO asks the provider to auth and expects a crypted response, whereas IdP-initiated can start at the IdP and sets a token that is used by the service, I think?

By aem4beginner

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