May 10, 2020
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AEM CQ:Listeners

What is “CQ: Listeners”?
“CQ:Listeners” node defines what happens before or after an action on the component. It can have the following properties:

There is a way to have the page automatically refresh when a change is made to the component. This can be accomplished by using the “cq:listeners” node that is the following type: “cq:EditListenersConfig”. This node type is used when you want the page to refresh whenever a certain action is done to the component.

Some of the properties that the node can have are:
  1. beforeedit
  2. beforecopy
  3. afteredit
  4. aftermove
  5. afterdelete
In order to use this node you need to create a “cq:editConfig” node under your component, and then add the “cq:EditListenersConfig” node as a child of the “cq:editConfig” node.

By aem4beginner

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