May 9, 2020
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Content Finder Visibility

By default Content Finder is visible only for the following paths:
  • "/content/*",
  • "/etc/scaffolding/*",
  • "/etc/workflow/packages/*"
You can check permissions for each individual tab inside Content Finder here - "/libs/wcm/extensions/contentfinder".

Sometimes you need to have the administration page of your application which usually resides under /etc/<your_app_name> folder. Therefore you will NOT see content finder in edit mode.
In order for it to appear there, you will have to either customize existing scripts (by copying it under /apps) or - better way - you will create a special folder in your application that has properties extensionType=contentfinder_extension and extensionGroup=tabs. It tells ContentFinder manager to include scripts under this folder as separate tabs.

I personally prefer to keep folder structure similar to original CQ hierarchy, so inside my application I create folder hierarchy:

            contentfinder (which has properties above)

Under contentfinder I will then add my own tabs. They can be the same as default ones (f.e. images.js) or include my own custom logic. In both cases, it is required to set allowedPaths property inside these scripts which point to your page's path. For example:

    "allowedPaths": [

By aem4beginner

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