May 15, 2020
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Email Personalization & Targeting with Adobe Campaign

You can't be effective in marketing anymore without knowing your customers. With Adobe Campaign you'll get a 360-degree view of their habits and behaviours.

Email personalisation to create ROI
We are now in the Big Data era and companies all over the world are able to gather an incredible amount of data and insights not only about their 'offline' customers, but also about their online visitors, social followers, etc. For most companies, this information is stored in a CRM and similar other databases but it is not always gathered in a comprehensive way. With the Adobe Marketing Cloud, the possibility to link and synchronise all this data is available and comes into action with Adobe Campaign in particular.

Adobe Campaign provides campaign planning as well as offer- and personalisation-management capabilities for marketing automation and the execution of marketing programs across all channels - online (emails, apps...) and offline (SMS...). As such, it is is the best-in-class tool to deliver personalised 1:1 marketing on an enterprise level.

As highlighted in a recent study by Adobe and Econsultancy (open the pdf on, most companies are already personalising digital experiences and messaging with personal data such as name, gender and location (65 to 70 per cent of them), less than half are using user preferences, purchase history and online behavioural information. Yet, the latter are described as the top three type of data with high ROI when used to personalise offers. As such, it is time for companies to jump to the next level of personalisation.

Personalisation & targeting in Adobe Campaign

To kick-off email personalisation efforts in the right way, it is important that digital marketers check the quality and completeness of all data which is available and accessible for them. As said above, most of the time customer and prospect data is scattered inside different tools and it is often hard for companies to have a comprehensive view of this data. Marketers need a solution like Adobe Campaign to get a 360-degree view of their customer's personal information and behaviours across all channels. This is only achievable by leveraging data automatically from online and offline channels through connectors and automated imports.

Personalisation Fields
Adobe Campaign allows marketers and web developers to easily incorporate customers and prospects personal information and interests into an email or a offer easily. Once all your customer and visitor data has been synched or imported, it is easy to select the right fields of information in the dropdown menu.

It is also possible to add pre-defined personalised blocks like offers or promotions as it can be seen above. These pre-defined blocks can include conditional offers or just standardised HTML blocks (text, links, images...). Additionally, users are able to add conditional content directly and therefore adapt the text and content of emails based on the actual profile of the recipients.

Targeting and Segmentation
Regarding targeting, Adobe Campaign enables the creation of simple to complex and advanced workflows that can help marketers define multiple segments and offers as well as automating their entire marketing campaigns from A to Z. Segments can be pre-defined using filters or by using queries in workflows. Once workflows are ready to be launched, a preview of the estimated target by segment branch will be shown. Workflows provide the possibility to target offers based on personal data but also behavioural and purchasing data from external sources in a comprehensive and visual way.

Multi-staged workflows will show the campaign proceeding over time. Based on direct customer interaction within a campaign or even taking into account what happened offline during a campaign life-cycle, following campaign deliveries can be automated. Data import tasks can be managed easily by adding respective workflow elements.

Connecting AEM & Adobe Campaign for personalisation
As part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, Adobe Campaign (AC) also allows to manage delivery contents, landing pages or forms directly in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). This separation enables marketers to start creating their campaigns and targeting in AC while content creators can work on the design of the offers in AEM.

Like in Adobe Campaign, it will be possible to add personalised fields from a dropdown menu but also target offers!

Jumping to the next level of email personalisation

Right now, there are plenty of companies seeing and leveraging targeted and personalized digital marketing content to engage more users and customers. Yet, if you are one of the stakeholders in a marketing move of this type, you should be aware that this kind of innovation requires the reevaluation of not only the technical solutions you are using but also the auditing of your current organizational setup and available resources. Digital transformation is one of the current key topics and becomes very obvious in executing digital marketing campaigns. Digital marketing channels can no longer be seen and treated as silos, system integration is as well a crucial factor as keeping an eye on change management. Integrated solutions on an enterprise-level are the only way that will effectively help you to be always one step ahead of your competition while being able to follow your customer's expectations. As such, inform yourself about the latest email marketing automation tools and do not hesitate to ask advice from experts.


By aem4beginner

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