May 9, 2020
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How to call Servlet using AJAX calling in AEM

Here is the sample ajax call to call a SlingServlet which is registered in cq.

  • Here we will get the values of below two textfields and pass to the servlet by using their 'id'.
  • After this you need to get the values in that appropriate servlet and apply your business logic.

$(document).ready(function() { 
$( ".perform" ).click(function() {
       var failure = function(err) {
             alert("Unable to retrive data "+err);

  var val1=$('v1').val();
  var val2=$('v2').val();

    //Use JQuery AJAX request to post data to a Sling Servlet
         type: 'POST',  
         data:{'value1' : val1,'value2' : val2},          //passing values to servlet
         success: function(msg){
            //Success logic here(The response from servlet)

 <form action="<%=currentPage.getPath()%>.html">
            Value1:<input type="text" id="v1"/>
            Value2:<input type="text" id="v2"/>
           <input type="submit" class="perform" value="Post to servlet!!!"/>

By aem4beginner

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