May 8, 2020
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How to change User Password On AEM When “PasswordValidationAction” is Enabled in OSGi “AuthorizableActionProvider”

This document details the process and requirements to change a user password on AEM.

On AEM, by default we can assign any password to a user. But we can restrict this and force users to strict password validation rules.

Enable Advanced Password Rules
Enable “PasswordValidationAction” in OSGI “AuthorizableActionProvider“, as below. And based on the regex, users will have to set specific passwords.

AEM AuthorizableActionProvider Enabled

Step-by-step guide
1. Login to AEM > Tools > Security > Search for a User
2. On the User details page, select “Change password”
  • New Password and Retype Password: <New password>
  • Current Password: <Current password that you would like to change>
  • AEM Change Password
3. Password requirements:
  • At least 12 characters length
  • At least 1 Upper
  • At least 1 Lower,
  • At least 1 Number/Digit
  • At least 1 Special Character out of this subset: @#%*-+=~[]{}<>?
Note: The above are specifically set in the “Configure” section of the OSGI property AuthorizableActionProvider.

By aem4beginner

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