May 8, 2020
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How to Generate Renditions For EPS and AI Files

Below are the steps to generate Thumbnails and Renditions for EPS and AI files.

AEM requires GhostScript and ImageMagick installed on the server to generate thumbnails and renditions for EPS and AI files. Follow the below url for the installation process.

How-to install FFMPEG, GhostScript, and Imagemagick on AEM Server
Step-by-step guide

Below are the steps to generate Thumbnails and Renditions for EPS and AI files.
  1. Install
  2. AEM Menu > Workflows > Models > DAM Update Asset > Edit
  3. Edit the workflow step “EPS Thumbnails (powered by ImageMagick)”
  4. If you cannot find this, you can add from the sidekick. “DAM Workflow > Command line” and add details as shown in attachment.
  5. Under “Commands” > Add item
  6. For PNG: convert -density 100 ${filename} cq5dam.rendition.png
  7. For JPEG: convert -colorspace RGB -flatten -density 300 ${filename} cq5dam.rendition.jpg
  8. SAVE workflow
  9. Upload any EPS or AI and see under “renditions

By aem4beginner

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