May 8, 2020
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How to Install FFMPEG, GhostScript and ImageMagick on AEM Server

This article details the steps involved to install FFMPEG (required to generate thumbnails for Videos); GhostScript and ImageMagick (required to generate thumbnails and renditions for EPS and AI files) on an AEM server.
By default, AEM does not generate thumbnails and renditions for Videos, EPS and AI file types. FFMpeg is required for Videos. And GhostScript and Imagemagick are required for EPS and AI files.

2. GhostScript
On Redhat Enterprise or on CentOS, run this command
sudo yum install GhostScript [Tested this in RedHat Enterprise]
To test the install, run this command
gs -h [You will see help text about GhostScript instead of Command not found]
3. Imagemagick
On the folder where the file is downloaded, run this command
sudo yum install ImageMagick [Tested this in RedHat Enterprise]
To test the install, run this command
convert -h [You will see help text about ImageMagick instead of Command not found]
You can also copy and paste or drag and drop images into your instructions.

1. On AEM > Assets:
Video – Upload a video file, AEM should generate thumbnails and renditions for the video.

2. GhostScript and ImageMagick Test
EPS and AI – Upload a “.ai” and “.eps” files and AEM should generate Thumbnails and Renditions for them.

You can download the latest version from [Version I tested was 9.21]
You can download the latest version from [Version I tested was 7.0.5-1]


By aem4beginner

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