May 10, 2020
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How to set up an Angular 2 Application

In order to set up an Angular 2 Application, few things need to be done to prepare the environment.

First things first, we will have to pick an editor. There are many editors out there, but I will be using the Visual Studio Code.
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code

Others Next we will need to set up our development environment. So we will have to install Node Package Manager (NPM) >>

Setting up an Angular 2 Application you will need to do the following:
Create an application folder
Create the tsconfig.json file
Create the package.json file
Create the typings.json file
Install the libraries and typings
Create the host Web page (index.html)
Create the main.ts file (bootstrapper)

There are a few ways to start. One of them is to manually perform each step, just follow the link ( for a QuickStart. Another option is to use tooling, such as AngularCli, it is a command-line tool. It is still in progress, but you can check it out at the following URL (

By aem4beginner

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