May 9, 2020
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Repository inconsistency issue in AEM

---------------------------------Unable to read Bundle ......-------------------------

If you are facing some problem related to this, then here is the solution.
----> This is because of abnormal closing of the instance or corrupted the indexes. Reindexing required for your instance. Some times because of failed to access the repository.
----> Building the indexes means it will fetch the data from the data tar file in the repository.

For this, we need to delete the index files from the cq root folder.

Here specifying the folder paths, but make sure take a backup of repository--<br/>
--The total process may take hours of time depends on the repository size. But be ready to face downtime.

\author\crx-quickstart\repository\repository---delete index folder
\author\crx-quickstart\repository\tarJournal---delete all index_*.tar
\author\crx-quickstart\repository\version------delete all index_*.tar
\author\crx-quickstart\repository\workspaces\crx.default---delete index folder and delete all index_*.tar

Now Start your instance through the server.bat file
You will notice that the Multi-indexing will start........Each and every information will be available in logs.
After that please run these steps for better performance.

1)Tar optimization
2)Tar Index-merge
3)Data-store garbage collection

<br/>I tested and succeded with the cq 5.4 version..<br/>
I hope it useful. Please Don't try directly with the production server.

By aem4beginner

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