May 22, 2020
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Setting regular expression to validate URL format in Adobe CQ5

I want to validate a URL inside a textfield using Adobe CQ5, so I set up the properties regex and regexText as usual, but for some reason is not working:

fieldDescription="Set the Facebook URL"
regexText="Invalid URL format"

So when I type inside the component I can see an error message at the console:
Uncaught TypeError: this.regex.test is not a function
To be more accurate the error comes from this line:

if (this.regex && !this.regex.test(value)) {
I tried several regular expressions and none of them worked. I guess the problem is the regular expression itself, because in the other hand I have this other regex to evaluate email address, and it works perfectly fine:

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Best How To:
The syntax of your regex seems to treat the forward slashes (/) as special characters. Since you want to parse a URL containing slashes, my guess is you should escape them twice like this: '\\/' instead of '/'. The result would be:

You need to escape them twice because the string to be compiled as a regex must contain '\/' to escape the slashes, but to introduce a backslash in a string you have to escape the backslash itself too.

By aem4beginner

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