May 10, 2020
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What is Apache Sling?

Content-centric web (application) framework
  • Built around RESTful principles
  • Powered by OSGI
  • Apache Open Source project
  • Supports Scripting (JSR-233)
Sling Architecture:

Excursion: REST Concepts

  • A resource can essentially be anything !
  • Resources are independent from their representation
  • An URL identifies a resource
  • URLs have an implicit hierarchy
  • Methods perform Operations on resources
  • HTTP status codes are used to indicate result success
The most common methods are:
  • GET - Retrieve an item or a list of items
  • POST - Create an item
  • PUT - Update an item
  • DELETE - Remove an item
  • Safe methods shouldn‘t change anything
  • Idempotent methods shouldn‘t change anything beyond their first execution
Sling Request Processing Steps

  • Decompose the URL
  • Search for a file indicated by the URL
  • Resolve the resource (using the path from the URL)
  • Resolve rendering script/servlet
  • Don‘t call scripts directly in Sling!
  • Primary source: Resource Type
  • Create rendering chain
  • Configurable (Servlet) filters
  • Rendering Servlet
  • Invoke rendering chain

URL Decomposition - Resource Path:
  • Resource Path
  • The substring of the request URL before the first dot (.)
  • Might be the complete URL if there‘s no dot
  • Example: /some/path.s1.s2.html
URL Decomposition – Selectors
Substring between the first dot and the dot leading the extension
Used for alternative methods of rendering the content
Multiple selectors possible
Example: /some/path.s1.s2.html

URL Decomposition – Extension:
The string between the last dot after the resource path and the next slash
Specifies the content format
Example: /some/path.s1.s2.html

URL Decomposition - Suffix Path
Suffix Path
Path starting with the slash up to the end of the request URL
At least a dot must be in the URL to let Sling detect the suffix path
Can be used to provide additional information for the processing script
Example: /some/path.s1.s2.html/suffix.html

Resource Resolution
Now Slings tries to find the resource addressed
Mappings are applied
Registered ResourceProviders are asked for a resource with the resulting path
Most of the time the default JcrResourceProvider will end up delivering the resource by looking it up in the backing repository
But the resource might also be provided by anything mapped into the resource tree by a suitable ResourceProvider

Resource Type
To allow for different processing for different kinds of resources, Sling has the notion of a resource type
The resource type determines the script that is used for processing the resource
Declaration of the resource type with sling:resourceType
Since resource types are treated as a path in the script selection process you should use path-like, slash delimited resource types like:
Fallback: converting of the primary node type of the resource to a path (by replacing the colons with slashes) and trying that one (e.g. nt:file becomes nt/file)

Resource Super Type
A resource can not only define its resource type, but also a resource super type via the sling:resourceSuperType property
If a resource super type is defined for a resource, script resolution will fallback to this super type before falling back to the default scripts
If a resource type has no explicit resource super type, the default resource super type is assumed to be sling/servlet/default
The resource super type can either be declared on the resource node itself or for its resource type

Script Locations
To determine the location of the script to process the resource, Sling converts the resource type to a path
If this path is absolute (i.e. starts with a slash), it is used as-is.
Resource Type: /apps/company/homepage
Search Locations: /apps/company/homepage
If the path is relative, the ResourceResolver prepends each of the configured search paths to it and searches the resulting paths (in the order they are configured)
Path [ "/apps", "/libs" ]
Resource Type: company/homepage
Search Locations:

Script Names

Depending on whether request selectors are considered, a script name may have two forms:
Without selectors:
With selectors:
{resourceTypeLabel} - Last path segment of the path created from the resource type. (optional).
{selectorStringPath} - The selector string. (optional)
{requestExtension} - The request extension (default html)
{requestMethod} - The request method (e.g. “GET” or “POST”)
{scriptExtension} - The extension, e.g. “esp” or “jsp”, identifying the scripting language.

Script Selection Priority
If multiple scripts apply for a given request, the script with the best match is selected. The more specific a match is, the better it is.
The priority of the script name components are (from highest to lowest):
1.Selectors (the more selector matches the better)
3.Resource type label
4.HTTP Method

Script Selection Priority Example
Consider a request to access the resource
with the resource type
Assuming we have the following list of scripts in the correct location then the order of preference would be (7) - (6) - (5) - (4) - (3) - (2) - (1)

Include or forward a request to another resource:
forward() is like a server-side redirect where control is completely handed over to another resource
include() is like a server-side include where the output of the targeted resource is included in the response

SlingRequestDispatcher is the Sling-specific implementation of the Servlet RequestDispatcher interface which accepts an additional RequestDispatcherOptions parameter
With these options you can:
Force the targeted resource to be processed with another resource type
Add selectors to the request or replace them altogether
Replace the suffix path

Scripting Options
The sling supports scripting via JSR 223
Out of the box Sling provides these scripting languages:
DefaultSlingScript acts as a facade for Servlets and Scripts
class DefaultSlingScript implements SlingScript, Servlet, ServletConfig {

Scripting Options
Some options that are available as contributions include:
Java (as .java source files)
See http://localhost:4502/system/console/config in the „Script Engines“ tab for available script engines

Sling JSP Tag Library
Sling includes a Tag Library to simplify JSP development
Include it in your JSP with:
<%@taglib prefix="sling" uri=””%>
Exposes the regularly used scripting objects like:
Includes a resource rendering into the current page

Registration via OSGi HTTP Service
Bare-bones OSGi way of registering servlets, used by the SlingMainServlet
Servlets registered via the HTTP service bypass Sling processing
Registration via Whiteboard
SlingServletResolver listens for Servlet services
Servlet services must at least declare either sling.servlet.path or sling.servlet.resourceType property to be taken account by Sling
Sling registers the servlets as resources in the (virtual) resource tree
Servlet resources are adaptable to javax.servlet.Servlet

Default Servlets
SlingMainServlet: The entry point into the Sling request handling after authentication
DefaultGetServlet: Provides default renderers for resources (HTML, TXT, JSON, XML)
SlingPostServlet: Allows extensive content manipulation (create, delete, update) through its REST API
DefaultErrorHandlerServlet: Default error handler servlet registered at the end of the global search path

Sling contains the SlingSafeMethodsServlet base class as a helper for implementing read-only servlets
When overwriting its doXXX methods, you don‘t need to cast the request and response objects to have access to the Sling-specific methods

Use Cases of Different Bindings
Resource Type
Primary and preferred way of binding a script to a resource.
It provides a separation between a resource and its representation.
Discouraged in Sling!
Bypasses access control
Use only for servlets which are independent of the existence of any specific resource

Use Cases of Different Bindings
Often used for a different representation of a resource (e.g. a detail view)
Use this for alternative representations of a resource as another file type (PDF, PNG, JSON, etc.)
You‘ll primarily use this to implement some specific data storage by binding a servlet to the POST method also.

Filters in Sling
Used for authentication, post-processing of markup, etc.
Filters in Sling are services implementing the javax.servlet.Filter interface
Two service properties are relevant:
sling.filter.scope – Indicates the filter chain the filter should be part of. Required! Sling won’t pick up your filter if it isn’t set.
service. ranking – Indicates the priority of the filter in the chain. The higher the number the earlier the filter will be invoked.
Current filter configuration can be inspected in the „Sling Servlet Filter“ tab at http://localhost:8080/system/console/config

The SlingPostServlet
Handles all POST operations to a Sling instance by default
Create, modify, copy, move, delete and import resources

Can be extended with additional POST operations/PostProcessor
SlingPostServlet is an OSGi bundle
<form method="POST" action="http://host/new/content" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="title" value="" />
<input type="Submit" />

This sample form will set the “title”-property on a node at “/new/content”.

The SlingPostServlet - Node Value Suffixes
Provides instructions about how to process node properties
<form method="POST" action="http://host/new/content" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="title" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="title@DefaultValue" value=“Some Value" />
<input type="checkbox" name="checked" />
<input type="hidden" name="checked@TypeHint" value="Boolean" />
<input type="Submit" />
Indicates that the „title“ property should be set to „Some Value“, unless the value of the „title“ parameter is not blank.

Indicates that the value of the „checked“-Property should be set on the target Node as „Boolean“.

What is a Resource?
Extending from JCR's Everything is Content, Sling assumes that (almost) Everything is a Resource. Thus Sling is maintaining a virtual tree of resources, which is a merger of the actual contents in the JCR Repository and resources provided by so-called resource providers.

JCR-based Resources
Since Sling is built upon JCR, these (JCR-based) Resources are the default and you‘ll encounter them most often
JCR-based Resources are provided with the default JcrResourceProvider
The JcrResourceProvider is always available and is always asked last.
Resources provided by other Resource providers may never be overruled by repository based Resources

Bundle-based Resources
Resources can be provided by files (resourceType=nt:file) and directories (resourceType=nt:folder) contained in an OSGi bundle
The BundleResourceProvider is responsible for mapping the directory tree into the resource tree
Your bundle has to declare the resources it provides with the header Sling-Bundle-Resources
It‘s very convenient to add it as instruction in the maven-bundle-plugin configuration:

Filesystem Resources
FilesystemResourceProvider can mount a directory from the local file system into the resource tree
As with other similar providers files use the nt:file resource type, directories the nt:folder resource type
FilesystemResourceProvider can be configured via the OSGi configuration console

Provides access to resources from different locations through a single ResourceResolver
Registered to a path in the virtual resource tree, it‘s able to provide resources below that location
ResourceResolver asks ResourceProviders in the order of longest match of the root path (e.g. R1 registered below /content/a will have higher priority than R2 registered below /content)
JCR ResourceProvider is registered at the root (/) of the virtual resource tree
The last fallback is always the JCR repository

Resource Resolver
Gateway for resources, abstracts the path resolution
Abstracts access to the persistence layer(s)
resolve() : central method for matching a path to a resource
map() : inverse operation to resolve(), yielding an external path for a resource path
Generated by ResourceResolverFactory based on current user credentials
Available through SlingHttpServletRequest.getResourceResolver()
Resource Enumeration through listChildren()

JCR Resource Resolver
Default ResourceResolver in Sling, resolves Resources through JCR
Configuration options
Search paths (/apps and /libs by default)
Mappings visible in the web console: http://localhost:8080/system/console/jcrresolver
Resolve Map - Maps URLs to Resources
Mapping Map - Maps Resource Paths to URLs
The current JCR session can be obtained with

Querying Resources
The ResourceResolver provides two methods for querying Resources:
ResourceResolver.findResources(query, language)
ResourceResolver.queryResources(query, language)
Those are convenience wrappers around the JCR Query functionality
Only repository based resources are supported, as currently there‘s no way for ResourceProviders that are not repository based to support queries

Resource Resolution Mappings
Mappings of URLs to resources can be configured in a configuration tree below /etc/map
A path is constructed from the request using {scheme}/{host.port}/{uri_path}
This path is mapped against the content structure under /etc/map and the properties from the longest match are used for the mapping
If the result of the mapping is an URL, it is mapped to a path again (until a path results)
If a path is found the standard strategy of resolving resources is applied:
If the path is absolute, it is used as-is
If it is relative, the configured search paths are prepended and the first matching resource returned

Mapping Properties and Node Types
Important Properties:
sling:match – Allows using a regular expression for matching instead of the node name
sling:redirect – Send a redirect response to the client with the value of this property
sling:internalRedirect – Modifies the path internally for further resource resolution
sling:alias – Defines an alternative name for the node this property is set on
Sling comes with node types to simplify creating this structure:
sling:Mapping – Primary node type
sling:MappingSpec – Mixin node type

Mapping Example
+-- http
+-- sling:internalRedirect = "/example"
+-- sling:match = ".+\.example\.com\.80"
+-- sling:redirect = ""
+-- localhost_any
+-- sling:match = "localhost\.\d*"
+-- sling:internalRedirect = "/content"
+-- (stories)
+-- sling:internalRedirect = “/anecdotes/$1"

Mapping Example

Namespace Mangling:
Paths in Sling often contain colons as they‘re used for namespacing in the underlying JCR Repository
Namespace mangling encloses the namespace prefix in underscores and removes the colon
Only namespaces registered with JCR are processed to prevent mangling of paths that might contain underscores
The mangling takes place in the map() methods (to take care of paths leaving the system)
The unmangling is done in the resolve() methods (to handle incoming paths)
gets mangled to :

adaptTo() (interface Adaptable) on Resource/ResourceResolver-Implementations
–Resource  ->JCR Node
–Resource -> Value Map
–Resource -> CQ Page
–Resource Resolver -> JCR Session
–Resource Resolver -> CQ Page Manager
Code Sample: ValueMap valueMap = getResource().adaptTo(ValueMap.class);

Sling API Overview
SlingHttpServletRequest and SlingHttpServletResponse
ValueMap and PersistableValueMap

(Sling)Request/Response, RequestPathInfo
defines the interface to provide client request information to a servlet. It adds specific methods for the interaction with the Sling framework
currently empty, merely exists to parallel SlingHttpServletRequest
provides information about the request URL

Resource extends Adaptable
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(path);
Resource parentResource = resource.getParent();
Iterator resourceIterator =parentResource.listChildren();
while (resourceIterator.hasNext()) {
Resource childResource =;
if(childResource.isResourceType("comp/book")) {
// do something

ResourceResolver extends Adaptable
defines two kinds of methods to access resources: The resolve methods and the getResource methods

resolve-> The path is always assumed to be absolute. Uses an elaborate resource resolution algorithm. This kind of method is intended to resolve request URLs to resources.
getResource: Directly access resources if the path is absolute. For relative paths, the search path is applied. This method is intended to be used by request processing scripts to access further resources as required.

ValueMap extends Map
The ValueMap offers an easy way to access the properties of a resource.
With most resources, you can use the Resource.adaptTo method to adapt the resource to a value map
ValueMap vMap = resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
String str1 = vMap.get("propName" String.class);
String str2 = vMap.get("propName", "");
PersistableValueMap extends ValueMap
Extension of the ValueMap allows us to modify and persist the properties.

By aem4beginner

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