May 12, 2020
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Working as an Author – Working On Pages

These detail the basic sequence of events you need for creating and publishing your first page.


The content on your website is held in a tree-structure. To create or edit a page you need to navigate to the location:
  • With the Touch-Optimized UI
    1. Open the Sites console (using the Sites option in the Rail – the column at the left side).
    2. Navigate down the tree by tapping/clicking on the appropriate page. How the page resources are represented depends on the view you are using – Card, List, or Column:

    1. Navigate up the tree using the header:
      • the back arrow to return to your previous location
      • the breadcrumbs in the header to return to the selected location (tap/click in the lower area to reveal/hide the upper area)
  • With the Classic UI



When creating a new page there are two keys fields:
  1. Title
    • This is displayed to the user in the console and shown at the top of the page content when editing.
    • This field is mandatory.
  2. Name
    • This is used to generate the URI.
    • User input for this field is optional. If not specified, the name is derived from the title.
When creating a new page, AEM will validate the page name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
Implementation and the list of characters allowed differ slightly according to UI (it is more extensive for the touch-optimized UI), but the minimum allowed is:
  • ‘a’ through to ‘z’
  • ‘A’ through to ‘Z’
  • ‘0’ through to ‘9’
  • _ (underscore)
  • – (hyphen/minus)
Use just these characters if you want to be sure of them being accepted/used (if you need full details of all characters allowed, see the naming conventions).


If you supply only a page Title when creating a new page, AEM will derive the page Name from this string and validate the name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR. In both UIs a Title field containing invalid characters will be accepted, but the name derived will have the invalid characters substituted. For example:
TitleDerived Name


If you supply a page Name when creating a new page, AEM will validate the name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
In the:
  • Touch-optimized UI you cannot submit invalid characters in the Name field. When AEM detects invalid characters the field will be highlighted and an explanatory message shown to indicate the characters that need removing/replacing.
  • Classic UI you cannot enter invalid characters in the Name field.
You should avoid using a two-letter code as defined by ISO-639-1 unless it is a language root.
See Preparing Content for Translation for more information.


Unless all pages have been created for you in advance before you can start creating content, you must create a page:
  1. Open the Sites console (for example, http://localhost:4502/sites.html/content).
  2. Navigate to the location where you want to create the new page.
  3. Open the drop-down selector with the Create icon, then select Create Page from the list:
  4. From the first stage of the wizard you can either:
    • Select the template you want used to create the new page, then click/tap Next to proceed.
    • Cancel to abort the process.
  5. From the final stage of the wizard you can either:
    • Use the two tabs to enter the page properties you want to be assigned to the new page, then click/tap Create to actually create the page.
    • Use Back to return to template selection.
    • Key fields are:
      • Title:
        • This is displayed to the user.
      • Name:
        • This is used to generate the URI. If not specified, the name is derived from the title.
        • If you supply a page Name when creating a new page, AEM will validate the name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
        • In the touch-optimized UI, you cannot submit invalid characters in the Name field. When AEM detects invalid characters the field will be highlighted and an explanatory message shown to indicate the characters that need removing/replacing.
    • The minimum information required to create a new page is Title.
  6. Use Create to complete the process and create your new page. The confirmation dialog will ask whether you want to open the page immediately (or return to the console):
  7. If you return to the console you will see your new page:
Once a page has been created its template cannot be changed – unless you create a launch with a new template, though this will lose any content already existing.


Unless all pages have been created for you in advance before you can start creating content, you must create a page:
    1. From the Websites console, select the level at which you want to create a new page. In the following example, you are creating a page under the level Products – shown in the left pane; the right pane shows pages that already exist at the level under Products.
    2. In the New… menu (click the arrow next to New…), select New Page…. The Create Page window opens.
      Clicking New… itself also acts as a shortcut to the New Page… option.
    3. The Create Page dialog allows you to:
      • Provide a Title; this is displayed to the user.
      • Provide a Name; this is used to generate the URI. If not specified, the name will be derived from the title.
        • If you supply a page Name when creating a new page, AEM will validate the name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
        • In the classic UI, you cannot enter invalid characters in the Name field.
      • Click the template you want to use to create the new page. The template is used as the basis for the new page; for example, to determine the basic layout of a content page.
      The minimum information required to create a new page is the Title and the template required.
      If you would like to use unicode characters in the URLs, set the Alias (sling:alias) property (page properties).
    4. Click Create to create the page. You return to the Websites console where you can see an entry for the new page.
      The console provides information about the page (for example when it was last edited and by whom) which is updated as necessary.
      You can also create a page when you are editing an existing page. Using Create Child Page from the Page tab of the sidekick, will create a new page directly under the page being edited.



After creating a page, or navigating to an existing page (in the console), you can open it for edit:
  1. Open the Sites console; for example, http://localhost:4502/sites.html/content.
  2. Navigate until you can see the page you want to edit.
  3. Using either:
    • quick actions
    • selection mode and the toolbar
    Select your page and then the Open page icon:
  4. The page will be opened, here you can edit the page as required.
Navigating to other pages from the page editor is only possible in Preview mode as links are not active in the Edit mode of the touch-optimized UI page editor.


You can open the page to be edited by one of several methods:
  • From the Websites console, you can double-click the page entry to open it for editing.
  • From the Websites console, you can right-click (context menu) the page item, then select Open from the menu.
  • After you have opened a page, you can navigate to other pages within the site (to edit them) by clicking hyperlinks.
The page editor of the touch-optimized UI is default (in a standard installation). You must specifically select or configure the UI to use the editor of the classic UI.


Once your page is created (either new or as part of a launch or live copy) you can edit the content to make the updates you require. Content is added using components (appropriate to the content type) that can be dragged onto the page. These can then be edited in situ, moved, or deleted.
  • The actual mechanics of editing a page depends on the UI you are using.
    When using the touch-optimized UI links in the content are visible, but not accessible in Edit mode. Use Preview mode if you want to navigate using your links.
  • Your account needs the appropriate access rights and permissions to edit pages; for example, adding, editing or deleting components, annotating, unlocking. If you encounter any problems we suggest you contact your system administrator.

Touch-Optimized UI


The page toolbar offers access to the appropriate functionality, dependent on the page configuration.
The toolbar available when editing a page holds the following options and information:
  • Toggle Side Panel
    This opens/closes the side panel, which holds the Asset and Component browsers.
  • Emulator
    It can be used to emulate the look-and-feel of the page on another device (mobile).
  • Page Information
    Provides access to information about the page and actions that can be taken on the page; including, for example, viewing and editing page information, publishing/unpublishing the page.
  • ContextHub
    Opens the context hub.
  • Page Title
    This is purely informational.
  • Select another mode
    Allows you to select another mode; for example edit, scaffolding, targeting, developer.
  • Preview
    It allows you to select preview mode; this displays the page as it will appear when published.
  • Annotate
    It allows you to add annotations to the page; for example, when reviewing a page. After the first annotation, the icon will switch to a number indicating the number of annotations on the page.


The component placeholder is an indicator to show where a component will be positioned when you drop it – above the component you are currently hovering over.
When adding a new component to the page (dragging from the component browser):

When moving an existing component:

Inserting a Component from the Components Browser
You can add a new component by using the component browser. The component placeholder shows you where the component will be positioned:
  1. Make sure that your page is in Edit mode.
  2. Open the component browser.
  3. Drag the required component to the required position.
  4. Edit the component.
Inserting a Component from the Paragraph System
You can add a new component by using the Drag components here box of the paragraph system:
  1. Make sure that your page is in Edit mode.
  2. Double-click on the Drag components here box, the Insert New Component dialog will open to allow you to select your required component:
  3. The selected component will be added to the bottom of the page. Edit the component as required.
Inserting a Component using the Assets Browser
You can also add a new component to the page by dragging an asset from the assets browser. This will automatically create a new component of the appropriate type (and containing the asset).
This is valid for the following asset types (some will be dependent on page/paragraph system):
Asset TypeResultant Component Type
This behavior can be configured for your installation; see Configuring a Paragraph System so that Dragging an Asset Creates a Component Instance for further details.
To create a component by dragging one of the above asset types:
  1. Make sure that your page is in Edit mode.
  2. Open the asset browser.
  3. Drag the required asset to the required position. The component placeholder shows you where the component will be positioned.
    A component, appropriate for the asset type, will be created at the required location – it will contain the selected asset.
  4. Edit the component if required.


Selecting a component will open the toolbar. This provides access to various actions that can be performed on the component (actions will be shown as appropriate):
  • Edit
    Dependent on the component type this will allow you to edit the content of the component. Often a toolbar will be provided.
  • Configure
    Dependent on the component type this will allow you to edit and configure the properties of the component. Often a dialog will be opened.
These two options edit the component content, properties and definition.
For components with content that you can also edit in-place, use a second slow click/tap on the content area to open the in-place editing toolbar.
  • Copy
    This will copy the component to the clipboard ready for pasting. After the paste action the original component will still remain.
  • Cut
    This will copy the component to the clipboard ready for pasting. After the paste action the original component will be removed.
  • Delete
    This action will require your confirmation, before the component is deleted from the page.
  • Paste (visible when you have a component in your clipboard)
    This will paste the component from the clipboard to the page. Whether the original remains, depends on whether you used copy or cut.
    With the touch-optimized UI you can paste to the same, or a different page; if you paste to a different page that was already open before the cut/copy operation you will need to refresh that page.
  • Multi-select
    This allows you to select multiple components at once.


There are two methods of adding and/or editing content in components:
  1. Open the component dialog for editing.
  2. Drag and drop an asset from the assets browser to directly add content.
Component Edit Dialog
There are two methods of opening a component so that you can edit the content:
  1. The Edit (pencil) icon of the component toolbar.
  2. A slow double-tap/click on the component will open the in-place editor for the appropriate component.
Both methods open the component-specific toolbar. The exact edit options will depend on the component (and for some components all actions will only be available in full-screen mode). For example:
  • Text component
  • Image component
Editing does not work on an empty image component.
You must drag or upload an image (using Configure) before you can start to edit it.
  • Components such as Text & Image (constructed from more than one basic component) first ask you to confirm which set of edit options you want:
Drag and Drop Assets into Component
For specific component types you can drag and drop assets from the asset browser directly into the component to update the content:
Asset TypeComponent Type


For all components the full-screen mode can be accessed with (and exited from):
For example, the Text component:
NOTE: For some components, the full-screen mode will have more options available than the basic in-place editor.


To move a paragraph component:
NOTE: You can also use Cut and Paste to move a component.
  1. Select the paragraph to be moved with either tap-and-hold or click-and-hold.
  2. Drag the paragraph to the new location – AEM indicates where the paragraph can be deposited. Drop it in your desired location.
  3. Your paragraph is moved.


Inherited components can be the product of various scenarios, including:
  • Multi-site management
  • Launches (when based on live copy).
  • Specific components; for example the Inherited Paragraph System within Geometrixx.
You can cancel (then re-enable) the inheritance. Depending on the component, this can be available from:
  • Live Copy
    The component toolbar, if the component is on a page that is part of a live copy or launch (based on a live copy). For example:

    The Cancel Inheritance option is available (or re-enable inheritance if already canceled):
    The Roll-out action is also available:
  • An Inherited Paragraph System
    The configuration dialog. For example, as with the Inherited Paragraph System within Geometrixx:


The Live Copy Status page mode allows you a quick overview of the live copy status and which components are/are not inherited:
  • Green border: Inherited
  • Pink border: Inheritance has been canceled

You can also cancel or reinstate inheritance on individual components when required.

Annotations allow reviewers and other authors to provide feedback on your content. They are often used for review and validation purposes.


When editing content you can preview how the page will look after being published using the preview mode. When authoring with the touch-optimized UI, the preview mode is available using the icon at the top right of the page editor:
NOTE: Links in the content are visible, but not accessible in Edit mode. Use Preview mode if you want to navigate using your links.


AEM allows you to lock a page so that no-one else can modify the contents. This is useful when you are making a lot of edits to one specific page, or when you need to freeze a page for a short while.
CAUTION: Locking a page should be used with care as the only person who can unlock a page is the person who locked it (or an account with administrator privileges).
A page can be locked from either:
  • Sites console
    1. Select the page with selection mode.
    2. Select the lock icon.
  • Page Editor
    1. Select the Page Information icon to open the menu.
    2. Select the Lock Page option.
Once locked the console view information is updated and when editing a lock symbol is shown in the toolbar.


Unlocking a page is very similar to locking the page – once the page is locked the lock options are replaced by unlock actions.
Additionally, the toolbar of the page editor shows a lock symbol. This provides both a visual indication that the page is locked and quick access to the unlock action.


The following icons allow you to undo or redo any action. These are shown in the toolbar when appropriate:
NOTE: See Undoing and Redoing Page Edits – The Theory for the full details of what is possible when undoing and redoing page edits.

Classic UI


A sidekick is a key tool when authoring pages with the classic UI. It floats when authoring a page, so it is always visible. Several tabs and icons are available, including:
  • Components
  • Page
  • Information
  • Versioning
  • Workflow
  • Modes
  • Scaffolding
  • Client Context
  • Websites
These provide access to a wide selection of functionality; including:
  • selecting components
  • showing references
  • accessing the audit log
  • switching modes
  • creating, restoring and comparing versions
  • publishing, unpublishing a page
  • editing page properties
  • scaffolding
  • client context


Inserting a Component
After you open the page, you can start to add content. You do this by adding components (also called paragraphs).
To insert a new component:
  1. There are several methods of selecting the type of paragraph you want to insert:
    • Double-click the area labeled Drag components or assets here… – the Insert New Component toolbar opens. Select a component and click OK.
    • Drag a component from the floating toolbar (called sidekick) to insert a new paragraph.
    • Right-click an existing paragraph and select New… – the Insert New Component toolbar opens. Select a component and click OK.
  2. In both the sidekick and the Insert New Component toolbar you see a list of the available components (paragraph types). These may be split into various sections (for example, General, Columns, etc.), which can be expanded as required. Depending on your production environment, these choices may differ. For complete details on components, see Default Components.
  3. Insert the component that you want on the page. Then double-click the paragraph, a window opens that allows you to configure your paragraph and add content.
Inserting a Component using the Content Finder
This is comparable to Inserting a Component using the Assets Browser – Touch-optimized UI, just using the Content Finder instead.


To edit an existing paragraph, do one of the following:
  • Double-click the paragraph to open it. You see the same window as when you created the paragraph with the existing content. Make your changes and click OK.
  • Right-click the paragraph and click Edit.
  • Click twice on the paragraph (a slow double-click) to enter the in-place editing mode. You will be able to directly edit the text on the page, instead of inside a dialog window. In this mode, you will be provided with a toolbar at the top of the page. Just make your changes and they will be automatically saved.


To move a paragraph:
NOTE: You can also use Cut and Paste to move a component.
  1. Select the paragraph to be moved:
  2. Drag the paragraph to the new location – AEM indicates where the paragraph can be moved to with a green checkmark. Drop it in your desired location.
  3. Your paragraph is moved:


To delete a paragraph:
  1. Select the paragraph and right-click:
  2. Select Delete from the menu. AEM WCM requests confirmation that you want to delete the paragraph as this action cannot be undone.
  3. Click OK.
NOTE: If you have set your User Properties to show the Global Editing Toolbar you can also perform certain actions on the paragraphs by using the Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete buttons available. Various keyboard shortcuts are also available.


As when Deleting a Component you can use the context menu to copy, cut and/or paste a component
NOTE: If you have set your User Properties to show the Global Editing Toolbar you can also perform certain actions on the paragraphs by using the Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete buttons available. Various keyboard shortcuts are also available.


Inherited components can be the product of various scenarios, including:
  • Multi-site management; also in combination with scaffolding.
  • Launches (when based on live copy).
  • Specific components; for example the Inherited Paragraph System within Geometrixx.
You can cancel (then re-enable) the inheritance. Depending on the component, this can be available from:
  1. Live Copy
    If a component is part of a live copy or launch, it is indicated by a padlock icon. You can click on the padlock to cancel the inheritance.
  • The padlock icon is shown when the component is selected; for example:
  • The padlock is also shown in the dialog of components; for example:
  • An Inherited Paragraph System
    The configuration dialog. For example, as with the Inherited Paragraph System within Geometrixx:


Annotations allow other authors to provide feedback on your content. This is often used for review and validation purposes.


For the classic UI there are two icons in the bottom border of the sidekick:
The pencil icon shows you that you are currently in edit mode where you can add, modify, move, or delete content.
The magnifying glass icon allows you to select preview mode where the page is displayed as it will be seen in the publish environment (a page refresh is sometimes also needed):
In preview mode the sidekick will be reduced, click the down arrow icon to return to edit mode:


For larger scale, edits of the same phrase a Find & Replace menu option allows you to search for, and replace multiple instances of a string, within a section of the website.


AEM allows you to lock a page so that no-one else can modify the contents. This is useful when you are making a lot of edits to one specific page, or when you need to freeze a page for a short while.
CAUTION: Locking a page should be used with care as the only person who can unlock a page is the person who locked it (or an account with administrator privileges).
To lock a page:
  1. In the Websites tab, select the page that you want to lock.
  2. Double-click the page to open it for edit.
  3. In the Page tab of sidekick, select Lock Page:
A message shows that your page is locked to other users. In addition, in the right pane of the Websites console, AEM WCM displays the page as locked and indicates which user has locked the page.


To unlock a page:
  1. In the Websites tab, select the page you want to unlock.
  2. Double-click the page to open it.
  3. In the Page tab of sidekick, select Unlock Page.


Use the following keyboard shortcuts while the content frame of the page has focus:
  • Undo: Ctrl-z (Windows) or command-z (Mac)
  • Redo: Ctrl-y (Windows) or command-y (Mac)
When you undo or redo the removal, addition, or relocation of one or more paragraphs, flashing (default behavior) highlights indicate the affected paragraphs.
NOTE: See Undoing and Redoing Page Edits – The Theory for the full details of what is possible when undoing and redoing page edits.

Undoing and Redoing Page Edits – The Theory


Your system administrator can configure various aspects of the Undo/Redo features according to the requirements for your instance.
AEM stores a history of actions that you perform and the sequence in which you performed them. So, you undo several actions in the order that you performed them. Then, you can use redo to re-apply one or more of the actions.
If an element on the content page is selected, the undo and redo command applies to the selected item, such as a text component.
The behavior of the undo and redo commands is similar to that in other software programs. Use the commands to restore the recent state of your web page as you make decisions about content. For example, if you move a text paragraph to a different location on the page, you can use the undo command to move the paragraph back. If you then decide again to move the paragraph, use the redo command.
NOTE: You can:
  • redo actions as long as you have not made a page edit since you used undo.
  • undo a maximum of 20 edit actions (default setting).
  • also, use Keyboard shortcuts for undo and redo.
You can use undo and redo for the following types of page changes in both UIs:
  • Touch-optimized UI
  • Classic UI
Both allow:
  • Adding, editing, removing, and moving paragraphs
  • In-place editing of paragraph content
  • Copying, cutting, and pasting items within a page
The following are also available in the classic UI:
  • Copying, cutting, and pasting items across pages
  • Adding, removing, and changing files and images
  • Adding, removing, and changing annotations and sketches
  • Changes to Scaffold
  • Adding and removing references
  • Changing property values in component dialog boxes.
Form fields that form components render are not meant to have values specified while authoring pages. Therefore, the undo and redo commands do not affect changes that you make to the values of those types of components. For example, you cannot undo the selection of a value in a drop-down list.
NOTE: Special permissions are required to undo and redo changes to files and images. Also, undo history for changes to files and images lasts for at least 10 hours. Beyond this time, the undo of the changes is not guaranteed. (Your administrator can provide permissions and change the default time of 10 hours.)


Once you have finished editing your page you will want to publish (or activate) your content so that it is available to visitors on your website.

Touch-optimized UI

Publishing a Page from Sites Console

Publishing (or activating) a page will replicate it to your publish environment so that it is available to your readers:
  1. Navigate until you can see the page you want to publish (replicate to the publish environment).
  2. With either:
    • quick actions – use the Publish icon to publish immediately
    • selection mode – you can select either Publish or Publish later from the selection box that appears.
  3. Depending on whether the page has references that need publishing:
    • The page will be published directly – if there are no references to be published.
    • If the page has references that need publishing, these will be listed in the Publish wizard, where you can either:
      • Specify which of the assets/tags/etc you want to publish together with the page, then use Publish to complete the process.
      • Use Cancel to abort the action.
  4. Publish will replicate the page to the publish environment. On the author environment, the information on the page overview will be updated; for example, in the card view:

Publishing a Page from the Page Editor

The page can also be published directly from the page editor:
  1. Select the Page Information icon to open the menu:
  2. Select Publish Page. The publish immediately action will proceed, with any referenced resources being listed (similar to Publishing a Page from Sites Console) before the page is published (immediately).

Classic UI

There are two methods for activating a page:
  1. from the Websites console
  2. from the sidekick on the page itself
Note: You can also activate a subtree of multiple pages using Activate Tree on the Tools console.

Activating a Page from the Websites Console

You can activate pages in the Websites console. After you have opened a page and modified its contents, you return to the Websites console:
  1. In the Websites console, select the page that you want to activate.
  2. Select Activate, either from the top menu, or the drop-down menu on the selected page item. To activate the content of the page and all its sub-pages use the Tools console.
    Note: If necessary, AEM requests that you activate or reactivate any assets that are linked to the page. You can select or clear the checkboxes to activate those assets.
  3. If necessary, AEM requests that you activate or reactivate any assets that are linked to the page. You can select or clear the checkboxes to activate those assets.
  4. AEM WCM activates the selected content. The published page or pages appears in the Websites console (marked green) with information about who activated the content as well as the date and time of activation.

Activating a Page from Sidekick

You can also activate a page when you have it open for editing. After you have opened the page and modified its contents, you:
  1. Select the Page tab in the Sidekick.
  2. Click Activate Page.
    A message displays at the top right of the window confirming that the page has been activated.


Touch-optimized UI

When copying, you can copy a page together with all subpages:
  1. In the Sites console, navigate until you can see the page you want to copy.
  2. With either:
    • quick actions
    • selection mode and the toolbar. Select your page and then the Copy page icon: 
    • Note: If you are in selection mode this is exited automatically as soon as the page is copied.
  3. Navigate to the location for the new copy of the page.
  4. Use the Paste page icon: A copy of the original page will be created at this location.
    Note: If you copy the page to a location where a page with the same name as the original already exists, the system will automatically generate a variation of the name; e.g. square will become square1.

Classic UI

When copying, you can copy either:
  • a single page
  • a page together with all subpages
  1. From the Websites console, select the page you want to copy. 
  2. Note: At this stage, it is irrelevant whether you want to copy a single page or the underlying subpages.
  3. Click Copy.
  4. Navigate to the new location and click:
    • Paste – to paste the page together with all subpages.
    • Shift + Paste – to paste the selected page only.
    The page(s) are pasted at the new location.
    The page name might be automatically adjusted if an existing page already has the same name.
    You can also use Copy Page from the Page tab of the sidekick. This will open a dialog where you can specify the destination, etc.


Moving and renaming pages is basically done with the same action:

Touch-optimized UI

The procedure to move or rename a page is basically the same and is handled by the one wizard. With this, you can rename a page without moving it, move the page without renaming it or move and rename at the same time.
AEM offers you the functionality to update any internal links that refer to the page being renamed/moved. This can be done on a page-by-page basis to provide full flexibility.
  1. Navigate until you can see the page you want to move.
  2. With either:
    • quick actions
    • selection mode and the toolbar.
    • Select your page and then the Move page icon: This will open the move page wizard.
  3. From the Rename stage of the wizard you can either:
    • Specify the name you want the page to have after it is moved, then click/tap Next to proceed.
    • Cancel to abort the process. The page name:
      • can remain the same if there is no page with that name at the new location.
      • should be new if you move the page to a location where a page with the same name as the original already exists (if you use the same name, the system will automatically generate a variation of the name; e.g. square will become square1).
  4. From the Select Destination stage of the wizard you can either:
    • Navigate to the new location for the page (using the Breadcrumbs and card views).
    • Use Back to return to page name specification.
      Note: If you move the page to a location where a page with the same name as the original already exists, the system will automatically generate a variation of the name; e.g. square will become square1.
  5. If the page is linked to or referenced, then these will be listed. You can indicate which should be adjusted and republished (as appropriate): 
  6. Note:
    If the page was already published, moving the page will automatically unpublish it. By default, it will be republished when the move is complete, but this can changed by unchecking the Republish field in the Adjust/Republish step.
    If the page is not referenced in any way, then the Adjust/Republish step will be skipped.
  7. Selecting Move will complete the process and move/rename your page as appropriate. You will see two messages boxes, one to show progress, then one to confirm that the move action has completed.

Classic UI

The procedure to move or rename a page is the same. With the same action you can:
  • move a page to a new location
  • rename a page at the same location
  • move a page to a new location and rename it at the same time
AEM offers you the functionality to update internal links to the page being renamed or moved. This can be done on a page-by-page basis to provide full flexibility.
To move or rename a page:
  1. There are various methods of triggering a move:
    • From the Websites console, click to select the page, then select Move…
    • From the Websites console, you can also select the page item, then right-click and select Move…
    • When editing a page you can select Move Page from the Page tab of the sidekick.
  2. The Move window opens; here you can either specify a new location, a new name for the page, or both.
    The page also lists any pages that reference the page being moved. Depending on the status of the referencing page, you may be able to adjust those links on and/or republish the pages.
  3. Fill in the following fields, as appropriate:
    • Destination: Use the sitemap (available via the drop-down selector) to select the location where the page should be moved to. If you are only renaming the page, ignore this field.
    • Move: Specify the page to be moved – this is usually filled in by default, depending on how and where you started the move action.
    • Rename to: The current page label displays by default. Specify the new page label, if required.
    • Adjust: Update the links on the page listed that point to the moved page: for example, if page A has links to page B, AEM adjusts the links on page A in case you move page B.This can be selected/deselected for each individual referencing page.
    • Republish: Republish the referencing page; again this can be selected for each individual page.
      Note: If the page was already activated, moving the page will automatically deactivate it. By default, it will be reactivated when the move is complete, but this can be changed by unchecking the Republish field for the page in the Move window.
  4. Click Move. Confirmation will be required. Click OK to confirm.
    Note: The page title will not be updated.


To remove the content from the public website you deactivate or unpublish the page:

Touch-optimized UI

Unpublishing (or deactivating) a page will remove it from your publish environment so that it is no longer available to your readers.
In a manner similar to publishing, one, or more, pages can be unpublished:
  • From the Sites console:
    Use selection mode to select the required page, before selecting the Unpublish option from the toolbar. The console information will be updated; for example, the card view:
  • When editing a page:
    Select Unpublish Page from the Page Information menu

Classic UI

To remove a page from the publish environment, you deactivate the content.
To deactivate a page:
  1. In the Websites console, select the page that you want to deactivate.
  2. Select Deactivate, either from the top menu, or the drop-down menu on the selected page item. You are asked to confirm the deletion.
  3. Refresh the Websites console and the content is no longer published (marked as red):


If a page is no longer needed you might want to delete it:


  1. Navigate until you can see the page you want to delete.
  2. Use selection mode to select the required page, then use Delete from the toolbar: 
  3. NOTE: a security precaution, the Delete page icon is not available as a quick action.
  4. A dialog will ask for confirmation, use:
    • Cancel to abort the action
    • Delete to confirm the action:
      • If the page has no references, the page will be deleted.
      • If the page has references, a message box will inform you that One or more pages are referenced. You can select Force Delete or Cancel.
    NOTE: If a page is already published, it will automatically be unpublished before deletion.


  1. You can delete a page from various locations:
    • Within the Websites console, click to select the page, then right-click and select Delete from the resulting menu.
    • Within the Websites console, click to select the page, then select Delete from the toolbar menu.
    • Within sidekick use the Page tab to select Delete Page – this deletes the page that is currently open.
  2. After you have selected to delete a page you must confirm the request – as the action cannot be undone.
    • NOTE:
      • After deletion, if the page has been published you can restore the latest (or a specific) version, but this may not have exactly the same content as your last version if further modifications had been made. See How To Restore Pages for further details.
      • If a page is already activated, it will automatically be deactivated before deletion.


Every page has properties that you can define to determine aspects of its operation. These can be updated with either UI. You can set various properties for a page:
  • Title:- The title of the page is shown in various locations. For example, the Websites tab list and the Sites card/list views. This is a mandatory field.
  • Tags:- Here you can add, or remove tags from the page by updating the list in the selection box:
    • A completely new tag can be entered by typing the name in an empty selection box. The new tag will actually be created when you hit enter. The new tag will then be shown in a box, with a small star on the right indicating that it is a new tag.
    • With the drop-down functionality, you can select from existing tags.
    • An x appears when you mouse-over a tag entry in the selection box; this can be used to remove that tag for this page.
    After selecting a tag is it listed below the selection box. You can remove a tag from this list using the x.
  • Hide in Navigation:- A toggle switch to indicate whether the page is shown or hidden in the page navigation.
  • Page Title:- A title to be used on the page.
  • Navigation Title:- You can specify a separate title for use in the navigation (for example, if you want something more concise). If empty, the title will be used.
  • Subtitle:- A subtitle for use on the page.
  • Description:- Your description of the page, its purpose or any other details you want to add.
  • On-Time:- The date and time at which the published page will be activated. When published this page will be kept dormant until the specified time. Leave these fields empty for pages you want to publish immediately (the normal scenario).
  • Off Time:- The time at which the published page will be deactivated. Again leave these fields empty for pages you want to publish immediately.
  • Vanity URL:- Allows you to enter a vanity URL for this page. That allows you to have a shorter and more expressive URL. For example, if the Vanity URL is set to welcome to the page identified by the path /v1.0/startpage for the website, then would be the vanity URL of
  • Redirect Vanity URL:- Indicates whether you want the page to use the vanity URL.
  • Language:- The page language.
  • Redirect:- Indicate the page to which this page should automatically redirect.
  • Design:- Indicate the design to be used for this page.
  • Alias:- Specify an alias to be used with this page.
  • Enable Closed User Group:- Enables (or disables) use of closed user groups (CUGs).
  • Login Page:- The page to be used for login.
  • Admitted Groups:- Groups eligible for login to the CUG.
  • Realm Name:- Realm name for the CUG.
  • Segments:- Here you can assign or remove this page from predefined segments.
  • Export:- Specify an export configuration.
  • Page Thumbnail:- Shows the page thumbnail image.
    • Generate Preview – Generate a preview of the page to use as a thumbnail.
    • Upload Image – Upload an image to use as a thumbnail.
  • Cloud Services:- Define properties for cloud services.
  • Permissions (touch-optimized UI):- View the effective permissions and add new permissions.
  • Blueprint (classic UI):- Define properties for a Blueprint page within multi-site management. Controls the circumstances under which modifications will be propagated to the Live Copy.
  • Live copy (classic UI):- Define properties for a Live Copy page within multi-site management. Controls the circumstances under which modifications will be propagated from the Blueprint.
Vanity URLs :- must be unique so you should take care that the value is not already used by another page.
do not support regex patterns.

Touch-optimized UI

You can define page properties:
  • from the Sites console:
    • creating a new page (a subset of the properties)
    • using View Properties (then Edit)
      • for a single page
      • for multiple pages (a subset of the properties)
  • from the page editor:
    • using Page Information (then Edit Page Properties)


Using View Properties to define the page properties:
  1. Using the Sites console, navigate to the location of the page for which you want to view and edit properties.
  2. Select the View Properties icon/option for the required page using either:
    • quick actions
    • selection mode
    The page properties will be shown using the appropriate tabs.
  3. Use the Edit icon to make any changes required:
  4. Then the Done icon to save, or Cancel as appropriate:
  5. Use the Back (back arrow) icon to leave the properties details:


When editing a page you can use Page Information to define the page properties:
  1. Open the page for which you want to edit properties.
  2. Select the Page Information icon to open the selection menu:
  3. Select Open Properties, a dialog will open allowing you to edit the properties, sorted by the appropriate tab. The following icons are also available at the right of the toolbar:
    • Help
    • Cancel
    • Done – visible once changes have been made.
  4. Use the Done icon to save the changes.


From the Sites console, you can select several pages then use View Properties to view and/or edit the page properties – this is referred to as bulk editing of page properties.
  1. Bulk editing of properties is also available for Assets. It is very similar but differs in a few points. See Editing Properties of Multiple Assets for full information.
  2. There is also the Bulk Editor, this allows you to search for content from multiple pages using GQL (Google Query Language), then edit the content directly in the bulk editor before saving your changes (to the originating pages).
You can select multiple pages for bulk editing by various methods, including:
  • When browsing the Sites console
  • After using Search to locate a set of pages
You can only bulk edit pages that:
  • Share the same resource type
  • are not part of a live copy
In any other case, View Properties will not be shown. Once you have entered Bulk Editing you can:
  • View
    When viewing Page Properties for multiple pages you can see:
    • A list of the pages impacted
      • You can select/deselect if required
    • Tabs
      • As when viewing properties for a single page, the properties are ordered under tabs.
    • A subset of properties
      • Properties that are available on all selected pages – and have been explicitly defined as available to bulk editing – are visible.
      • If you reduce the page selection to one page, then all properties are visible.
    • Common properties with a common value
      • Only properties with a common value are shown in View mode.
      • When the field is multi-value (for example, Tags), values will only be shown when all are common. If only some are common, they will only be shown when editing.
    For example, properties with common values in the Basic tab:
    When no properties with a common value exist, a message is displayed; for example, the Advanced tab:
  • Edit
    When editing Page Properties for multiple pages:
    • You can update the values in the fields available.
      • The new values will be applied to all selected pages when you select Done.
      • When the field is multi-value (for example, Tags), you can either append a new value or remove a common value.
    • Fields that are common, but have different values across the various pages will be indicated with a special value; for example, the text <Mixed Entries>. Care should be taken when editing such fields to prevent data loss.
    • NOTE: The page component can be configured to specify the fields available for bulk editing. See Configuring your page for bulk editing of page properties.

Classic UI


Page Properties define the various properties of the page, such as titles, when they appear on the website, and others.
  1. Open the page you want to edit.
  2. In the sidekick open the Page tab then select Page Properties…
    This opens a dialog with multiple tabs.
  3. Make the changes you require, then click OK to save.


You can create a version of a page, then revert to that if necessary:


You can create a version of your resource from the timeline tab:
  1. Navigate to show the page for which you want to create a version.
  2. Select the page in selection mode.
  3. Open the Timeline column.
  4. Click/tap on the arrowhead by the comment field to list the options:
  5. Select Save as Version and confirm with Create.
    The information in the timeline will be updated to indicate the new version.


To create a new version of a page:
  1. In your browser, open the page for which you want to create a new version.
  2. In the Sidekick, select the Versioning tab, then the Create Version sub-tab.\
  3. Enter a Comment (optional).
  4. To set a label to the version (optional), click the More >> button and set the Label to name the version. If the label is not set, the version is an automatically incremented number.
  5. Click Create Version. A greyed message is displayed on the page; for example, Version 1.2 created for Shirts.
NOTE:- A version is automatically created when the page is activated.

Restoring Pages

Once a version has been created you can revert to that version if needed.
NOTE:- When restoring a page, the version created will be part of a new branch. To illustrate:
  • Create versions of any page.
  • The initial labels and version node names will be 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and so forth.
  • Restore the first version; i.e. 1.0.
  • Create new versions again.
  • The generated labels and node names will now be 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc.


To revert to a previous version:
  1. Navigate to show the page you want to revert to a previous version.
  2. Select the page in selection mode.
  3. Open the Timeline column and select either Show All or Versions. The page versions for the selected page will be listed.
  4. Select the version you want to revert to. The possible options will be shown:
  5. Select Revert to this Version. The selected version will be restored and the information in the timeline will be updated.


To restore the page to a previous version:
  1. Open the page for which you want to restore a previous version.
  2. In the sidekick, select the Versioning tab, then the Restore Version sub-tab.
  3. Select the version you want to restore and select Restore.


This method can be used to restore a page version. It can also be used to restore pages that have been previously deleted:
  1. In the Websites console, navigate to the page you want to restore and select it.
  2. From the top menu select Tools, then Restore:
  3. Selecting Restore Version… lists versions of documents in the current folder. Even if a page has been deleted, the last version will be listed:
  4. Select the version you want to restore and click Restore. AEM restores the version(s) (or trees) that you select.


This method can be used to restore a page version. It can also be used to restore pages that have been previously deleted:
  1. In the Websites console, navigate to the folder you want to restore and select it.
  2. From the top menu select Tools, then Restore.
  3. Selecting Restore Tree… opens the dialog to let you select the tree you want to restore:
  4. Click Restore. AEM restores the tree you have selected.

Comparing with a Previous Version

Touch UI

To compare the current version of the page with a previous version:
  1. Navigate to show the page you want to compare.
  2. Select the page in selection mode.
  3. Open the Timeline column and select either Show All or Versions.
  4. The page versions will be listed. Select the version you want to compare:
  5. Select Show Differences. The page will open with differences highlighted:

Classic UI

To compare the current version of the page with a previous version:
  1. In your browser, open the page for which you want to compare it with a previous version.
  2. In the Sidekick, select the Versioning tab, then the Restore Version sub-tab.
  3. Select the version you want to compare and click the Diff button.
  4. The differences between the current version and the selected version are displayed as follows:
    • a text that has been deleted is red and strikethrough.
    • a text that has been added is green and highlighted.
    • an image that has been added or deleted is green-framed.
  5. In the Sidekick, select the Restore Version sub-tab and click the <<Back button to display the current version.

Auto Publish/Unpublish

Publishing later starts a workflow to publish this version of the page at the specified time. Conversely, deactivating later starts a workflow to unpublish this version of the page at a specific time.
If you want to cancel a publish/unpublish later, go to the Workflow Console to terminate the corresponding workflow.

Publish/Unpublish Later – Touch-optimized UI

Publishing Later from Sites Console – Touch-optimized UI

Publishing (or activating) a page will replicate it to your publish environment so that it is available to your readers. You can either publish a page immediately or on/at a specific date/time:
  1. Proceed as with Publishing a Page from Sites Console, but select Publish Later.
  2. Any related assets that need to be published will be listed – you can specify the ones you require. You can also specify the date and time for publishing; for example:
  3. Publish Later will start the workflow to replicate the page to the publish environment on the date selected. The status can be seen in the timeline:

Unpublishing Later from Sites Console – Touch-optimized UI

In a manner similar to publish later, you can also Unpublish Later pages at a later date. Select the Unpublish icon for this.

Activate/Deactivate Later – Classic UI

Activate Later – Classic UI

To schedule your activation for a later time:
  1. In the Websites console, go to the Activate menu, and select Activate later.
  2. In the dialog that opens you provide the date and time for activation and click OK. This creates a version of the page that is activated at the specified time.
Activating later starts a workflow to activate this version of the page at the specified time. Conversely, deactivating later starts a workflow to deactivate this version of the page at a specific time.
If you want to cancel this activation/deactivation, go to the Workflow Console to terminate the corresponding workflow.

Deactivate Later – Classic UI

To schedule your deactivation for a later time:
  1. In the Website console, go to the Deactivate menu, and select Deactivate later.
  2. In the dialog that opens you provide the date and time for deactivation and click OK.
Deactivating later starts a workflow to deactivate this version of the page at a specific time.
If you want to cancel this deactivation, go to the Workflow Console to terminate the corresponding workflow.

Scheduled Activation/Deactivation (On/Off Time)

You can schedule times for a page to be published/unpublished using the On Time and Off Time that can be defined in the Page Properties.

Determining Page Publication Status

Determining Page Publication Status – Touch-optimized UI

The status can be seen from the:
  • overview information on the Sites console – card and list views
  • the timeline
  • the Page Information menu when editing a page

Determining Page Publication Status – Classic UI

The status can be seen from the Websites console. The colors indicate publication status.


By aem4beginner

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