September 19, 2020
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Error during replication of ReplicationAction | AEM to Demandware

Error during content replication from Adobe experience manager(AEM) to Demandware. If you are seeing this error logged in AEM error.log file or demandware replication agent log, then it means credential configured in configuration Demandware TransportHandler Plugin for WebDAV to transport the data and content from AEM to Demandware is not valid.

*ERROR* [sling-threadpool-a430ddf1-339b-4140-b796-18d2fc7b5a66-(apache-sling-job-thread-pool)-7-com_day_cq_replication_job_demandware(com/day/cq/replication/job/demandware)] Error during replication of ReplicationAction{type=ACTIVATE, path[0]='/content/dam/website/content/january/sample_image_winter.jpg', time=1578013615072, userId='', revision='null'}: com.github.sardine.impl.SardineException: Unexpected response (401 )

03.01.2020 01:07:56.111 *INFO* [sling-threadpool-a430ddf1-339b-4140-b796-18d2fc7b5a66-(apache-sling-job-thread-pool)-7-com_day_cq_replication_job_demandware(com/day/cq/replication/job/demandware)] Job for agent demandware processed in 281ms. Failed. com.github.sardine.impl.SardineException: Unexpected response (401 )

This error you seeing because of bad WebDev credential. Check the configured WebDev login credential under AEM config manager (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr) in configuration Demandware TransportHandler Plugin for WebDAV.

Demandware TransportHandler Plugin for WebDAV

If you think your credential in valid then please try login directly on the Demanware instance URL with configured credential to verify the credential is valid and working.


By aem4beginner

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