December 28, 2020
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How to Generate Curl Command to Update OSGI Configurations

Micro-Frontend, written in ReactJS 16.14.0.

This tool helps generate a curl command used for updating OSGI configurations directly from the terminal, bash, or Window’s console. It’s a good idea to read the micro-front-end tool’s notes, described at the bottom of the page, before using the tool.
AEM Curl Generator for Updating OSGI Configs

This tool is free to use. The generated curl command and user inputs are never stored in any way from fields

Generated Curl Command:
curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/' --data-raw 'apply=true&action=ajaxConfigManager&%24location=&'

OSGI Console Url:

  • This tool is free to use. The generated curl command and user inputs are never stored in any way from
  • OSGI array configurations can be achieved by adding another keypair entry with the same key name as the previous key pair.
  • Unfortunately, you cannot update a single configuration key for a given OSGI configuration. All the properties need to be identified. If other OSGI configuration keys are not identified, then the curl command will actually wipe out all the missing configurations.
  • You can share the configurations with your colleagues by clicking on the “Get Above Sharable Configuration Url” button.
  • I created this tool to help my colleagues quickly generate curl commands to update the OSGI configuration to free each other’s time.

By aem4beginner

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