December 10, 2020
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How to Secure AEM

Secure AEM is a tool that can be used to find the most popular security problems in your AEM instance. It tests both instances (author, publish) and also the dispatcher, as some resources should be restricted in the cache configuration. It checks:
  • if the default passwords are changed,
  • if there are no unnecessary protocols enabled after being published,
  • if the administrator console access is disabled,
  • if content-grabbing selectors are restricted on the dispatcher,
  • etc.
Each test contains a description and the More info link which references the external site to add information about a given security flaw.

You may also be interested in the blog post on Secure AEM.

AEM 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 SP1

You'll need Maven 3.x. If your author instance is running on localhost:4502 and credentials to it are admin:admin then run:

mvn clean package crx:install

Otherwise you may enter address and credentials explicitly:
mvn clean package crx:install -Dinstance.url=http://localhost:4502 -Dinstance.username=YOUR_USERNAME -Dinstance.password=YOUR_PASSWORD

After installation, go to the AEM Tools page and choose Secure AEM from the list on the left. The application tries to find author, publish, and dispatcher URLs automatically, but you may want to confirm that they have been recognized correctly. In order to do that click Edit on the Settings bar and optionally correct addresses. That's it. Wait for a moment until the tests are done and check the results.

CLI version
Sometimes you may want to check remote AEM instance. Secure AEM may be compiled in the standalone mode and used from the CLI, without any additional dependencies. In order to build an application this way, enter:

mvn clean package -Pcli
JAR package will be available as target/secure-aem-VERSION-cli.jar.

Usage is simple:


Enter at least one URL to test the given instance, eg.:

java -jar secure-aem-VERSION.jar -a http://localhost:4502 -aCredentials admin:admin

to invoke author tests on the localhost or

java -jar secure-aem-VERSION.jar -a -aCredentials admin:admin -p -pCredentials admin:admin-d

to invoke author, publish, and dispatcher-related tests. You may skip the starting http://, SecureAEM uses HTTP protocol by default.

By default SecureAEM runs full test set defined in:

to override it use maven -suite parameter

java -jar secure-aem-VERSION.jar -a http://localhost:4502 -aCredentials admin:admin -suite /home/myComputer/

Writing own tests
Test page

A test case is a standard AEM page under /etc/secureaem parent. It contains some test metadata as title, severity, info URL, which can be edited using the test page template. Click on the test name to show the page. Besides that, the test page contains one testComponent

It's a sling:resourceType defines the test type (eg. cognifide/secureaem/components/pageContent will check if some page contains some string) and the rest of the attributes is the test configuration. 


Test types
Each test typically consists of an AEM component and a Java class.

Test types are standard AEM components, inherited from cognifide/secureaem/components/abstractTest. Components are linked to Java test class (extending AbstractClass) with testClass property. Sample test component:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" jcr:primaryType="cq:Component"

You may as also override dialog.xml (to provide some user configuration for the component) and metadata.jsp (to display these settings on the test page).

Java classes
Each test class extends AbstractTest and implements some of the interfaces: AuthorTest, PublishTest, DispatcherTest to mark for which URLs it should be invoked. There is only one method to implement:

 * Perform the test. 
 * @param url URL of the instance to test. 
 * @param instanceName Name of the instance (eg. author, publish, dispatcher).   
 * @return true if the test succeeded 
 * @throws Exception If you throw an exception, the test result will be set to  
 * "Exception". You may throw 
 * special {@link InvalidConfigurationException} with message if the test 
 * configuration isn't set 
 * correctly. 

protected abstract boolean doTest(String url, String instanceName) throws Exception;

In the test implementation you may invoke two methods:
protected void addInfoMessage(String message, Object... params)
protected void addErrorMessage(String message, Object... params)

to add more detailed info about the result.


By aem4beginner

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