1. Create a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site
Separate code from content and configuration to maximize project file organization and separation of concerns, Adobe recommends to place client libraries under /apps and expose these client libraries via the path, /etc.clientlibs, by leveraging the allowProxy property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
1. Create a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site
Separate code from content and configuration to maximize project file organization and separation of concerns, Adobe recommends to place client libraries under /apps and expose these client libraries via the path, /etc.clientlibs, by leveraging the allowProxy property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
When allowedProxy is enabled, we instead of accessing the client library from /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site, we can access the cliebt library from the proxy servlet via /etc.clientlibs/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site.
2. Create an nt:folder node named “resources”
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources
By convention, the client library “resource” folder is named as “resources”; naming is very important if structural static assets are planned to be served from a client library. This setup allows structural static assets to be accessed via the proxy.
Example: /etc.clientlibs/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
3. Place the assets under the “resources” folder
In this example, we will only insert one asset image, tick.svg.
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
4. Build and Upload into AEM
This default maven profile should be a part of the maven AEM Project Archetype.
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage -Padobe-public
Results: Review the JCR
A successful project builds and deployment should make JCR node resources available in the AEM environment.
2. Create an nt:folder node named “resources”
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources
By convention, the client library “resource” folder is named as “resources”; naming is very important if structural static assets are planned to be served from a client library. This setup allows structural static assets to be accessed via the proxy.
Example: /etc.clientlibs/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
3. Place the assets under the “resources” folder
In this example, we will only insert one asset image, tick.svg.
JCR Path: /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
4. Build and Upload into AEM
This default maven profile should be a part of the maven AEM Project Archetype.
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage -Padobe-public
Results: Review the JCR
A successful project builds and deployment should make JCR node resources available in the AEM environment.
Results: Access the Asset(s)
The images can be resolvable via the proxy servlet, replacing /apps with /etc.clientlibs.
Visit: http://localhost:4502/etc.clientlibs/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
The images can be resolvable via the proxy servlet, replacing /apps with /etc.clientlibs.
Visit: http://localhost:4502/etc.clientlibs/sourcedcode/clientlibs/cllienlib-site/resources/tick.svg
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