January 6, 2021
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AEM 6.5 upgrade issue

We try to upgrade from AEM to 6.5 but we are having some issues regarding one specific step.

We can not find the PreUpgradeTasks inside JMX Console as described here: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/deploying/upgrading/pre-upgrade-mainten...

We also tried to install (invane) PRE-UPGRADE-PACKAGE-CQ63 package.

Has anyone faced a similar issue? How can we solve this problem and complete the upgrade process?

The problem was related to a wrong version of com.google.gson imported by com.day.cq.pre-upgrade-tasks which was causing the PreUpgradeTasksMBean component to be in a satisfying state instead of an active state.

Are you able to find the preupgrade component at /system/console/configMgr/com.adobe.aem.upgrade.prechecks.mbean.impl.PreUpgradeTasksMBeanImpl

Once you have that one, we can get the PreUpgrade tasks at /system/console/jmx/com.adobe.aem.upgrade.prechecks%3Atype%3DPreUpgradeTasks

By aem4beginner

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