January 11, 2021
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AEM Sample Page Guide

How to create a sample page during installation

Once you install the integration, you will need to create a sample page in AEM before you can finish your configuration.

Note: Your sample page should be created by someone who regularly creates AEM pages and is familiar with what your final AEM pages will look like when they have Contently content on them.

When you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page, your Contently content, metadata, and assets will automatically appear on your new page. To do this, we use a sample page as a model to create and fill in your new page. This way, your new page will use the right template and page properties. By using a sample page as a model, your new page will also already include the components you use and expect. This helps us put your Contently content and assets right on the page for you – not just in your page property fields but in your existing component fields too.

Before you continue the installation process, please create a sample page to use as a model for pages that will have Contently content on them. Sample pages are normal AEM pages. To create a sample page, create an AEM page using any AEM template. The goal is to create an AEM page with the template and components that will be used for every AEM page that will have Contently content on it.

Here is a list of instructions and tips to help you create your sample page:
  • A sample page should closely reflect the pages that you will pull Contently content onto.
  • A sample page should use the page template you will use when you pull Contently content onto new pages.
  • A sample page should include the page properties, components, and component fields you expect Contently to automatically put content, metadata, and assets into for you.
  • You can create a brand new page to use as your sample page or you can use an existing AEM page.
  • You can create more than one sample page if you’d like to pull Contently content onto a variety of different page variations. Right now you can only create one sample page per AEM template.
  • You can save your sample page anywhere in your content tree as long as the page has permission to access your AEM page template.
  • Your sample page does not have to be published or activated.
  • You can fill in any field or component on your sample page or you can leave them blank. If you do not plan on filling in that field with content from Contently when you pull Contently content onto new pages, the field will be left blank or keep its original value from the sample page. This means you can use the sample page to auto-populate fields.
  • You can also put additional components on the page even if you do not plan to fill them in with Contently content. These components will still appear when you pull Contently content onto a new page.
  • Sample pages will remain untouched and will simply be cloned when you pull Contently content onto new AEM pages.
After you create your sample page, please reach out to your IT team so that they can finish configuring your integration. The next steps in Contently's AEM Integration Guide include setting up a Cloud Service Configuration and setting up a Mapping for your new sample page.

By aem4beginner

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