January 11, 2021
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AEM Technical Manual

This technical manual covers the following topics:
  1. Editing your API key
  2. Editing existing mappings
  3. Deleting existing mappings
  4. Mapping details
  • Mapping to sample pages
  • Mapping to AEM DAM paths
  • Mapping to page properties
  • Mapping to Contently fields
  • Mapping to Component fields
    5. Supported AEM field types
  • AEM DateTime Fields
  • AEM Image Fields
  • AEM Tag Fields
  • AEM Textfield and Textarea Fields
1. Editing your API key
1. To edit an API key, visit AEM Cloud Services (/etc/cloudservices.html) and find the Contently integration in the list. Click on the Contently configuration you want to edit. Configurations are named after your Contently integrations. You will only need more than one configuration if you need more than one sample page or mapping per AEM template.

2. Click the "Edit" button to edit the API key for this configuration.

3. Change or edit the API key in the dialogue box. You can click the "Verify Contently API Key" button to verify that your API key is valid. Click "OK" to save.

Note: Each API key can only be used to create one cloud configuration.

2. Editing existing mappings

1. To edit an existing mapping, visit AEM Cloud Services (/etc/cloudservices.html) and find the Contently integration in the list. Click on the Contently configuration you want to edit. Configurations are named after your Contently integrations. You will only need more than one configuration if you need more than one sample page or mapping per AEM template.

2. All of your mappings will be listed on your configuration page. Click the "Edit" button next to the mapping you want to edit.

3. The Edit Mapping page behaves similarly to the Create a New Mapping page except that the sample page cannot be changed when you edit a mapping.

4. Remember to click "Save Mapping" at the bottom when you are finished. Click the "Cancel" button to exit the mapping without making changes.

3. Deleting existing mappings
1. To delete an existing mapping, visit AEM Cloud Services (/etc/cloudservices.html) and find the Contently integration in the list. Click on the Contently configuration you want to edit. Configurations are named after your Contently integrations. You will only need more than one configuration if you need more than one sample page or mapping per AEM template.

2. All of your mappings will be listed on your configuration page. Click the "Delete" button next to the mapping you want to edit.

4. Mapping Details
Mapping to Sample Pages

As discussed in the instructions for how to create a sample page, sample pages are used as a model to help create and fill in your new AEM pages that have Contently content on them. Sample pages will remain untouched and will simply be cloned when you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page.

At the top of the Create a New Mapping page, please select the AEM sample page that you want to create a mapping for. You will need to create a separate mapping for each sample page that you want to pull Contently content onto. People typically create multiple sample pages when they want to be able to pull Contently content on a variety of page templates or designs. Please remember you can only create one sample page — and therefore one mapping — per AEM page template.

Once you select a sample page in the drop-down, the name of the AEM template the sample page uses will appear. The rest of the mapping form will also appear once you select a sample page.

Mapping to AEM DAM Paths

You can pull Contently content, metadata, and assets onto a new AEM page. That includes attached and embedded images as well as videos from custom fields. At the top of the Create a New Mapping page, please select the AEM DAM path you want to use. Each time you create a new AEM page with Contently content on it using this sample page and mapping, we will create a new folder at this path using the name of your Contently story. We will upload your Contently assets to this new folder.

Mapping to Page Properties
Contently needs to know which AEM page properties to fill in — and which Contently fields to fill them in with. Use the middle section of the Create a New Mapping page to fill in your mapping preferences for each page property on your sample page. This middle section will only appear after you select a sample page at the top of the form. AEM page property fields are listed in the left column and dropdowns with the available Contently fields are in the right column. Please fill in the drop-down for each page property field you want Contently to automatically fill in for you on new pages. You do not need to fill in a Contently field for every page property field.

You can only map Contently fields to supported AEM xtype page property fields. Unsupported page property fields will not show up in the list on the ‘Create a New Mapping’ page. For detailed information on the AEM page property field types, Contently supports, see the ‘Supported AEM Field Types’ section below.

Mapping to Contently fields

You can map AEM page property fields and AEM component fields to a variety of Contently fields including the following:
Completed At
Created At
Due At
Last Modified At
Publish At
Published At
Published To URL
SEO Keywords
Story Format
Custom Fields (including text strings, formatted text blocks, assets, images, and videos)

For up to date information about our available fields, see our API Documentation.

Mapping to Component fields
Contently needs to know which component fields to fill in — and which Contently fields to fill them in with. Use the bottom section of the Create a New Mapping page to fill in your mapping preferences for your component fields on your sample page. This bottom section will only appear after you select a sample page at the top of the form.

1. To set up a mapping for a component field, click the "+ Add New Component Mapping" button. When you click the button, an AEM Component selector field will appear.

2. Open the AEM Component selector field by clicking the magnifying glass next to the field. The parsys — and available components — will be listed in a tree structure in the same order that they exist on your sample page. Select a component that exists in a paragraph (parsys). Make sure to drill all the way down and select a component before you continue.

3. After you select a component, the AEM Component Field and Contently Field selectors will appear. Use these two fields to choose which component field you want to fill in and which Contently field you want it to be filled in with. You can map component fields to a variety of Contently fields.

You can click the "+ Add New Component Mapping" button as many times as you’d like in order to create mappings for a variety of component fields on your chosen sample page.

5. Supported AEM Field Types
The Contently connector supports all AEM dialogue field types except for multifields, pathfields, and checkbox fields. You can set up mappings for both page property fields and component fields as discussed above. See below for details about each AEM field type Contently supports.

AEM DateTime Fields
The Contently connector allows you to map AEM DateTime fields to Contently DateTime fields. The AEM DateTime fields will expect the matching Contently field to also be a DateTime field. However, the connector will always attempt to fill in the AEM field with the matching Contently field even if they’re different field types.

AEM Image Fields

The Contently connector allows you to map AEM image fields (html5smartimage) to assets from Contently. To map an AEM image field to an image in Contently, first create a custom field in Contently for your image. When you fill in your mapping in AEM, this custom field will appear in the drop-down that lists your Contently fields.

Note: Some legacy custom fields can have both an asset and a text string associated with them. For these custom fields, make sure to choose the asset entry for the corresponding Contently custom field in the drop-down when you set up your mapping in AEM if there are two entries with the same custom field name.

When you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page, we will create a new folder at the AEM DAM path you specified in your mapping. The name of this folder will match the name of your Contently story. Your assets from Contently will be uploaded to this new folder. We will then follow your mapping preferences and fill in your AEM image fields with the correct AEM DAM path for each of your images.

AEM Video Fields
The Contently connector allows you to map AEM video fields to video custom fields from Contently. To map an AEM video field to a video in Contently, first, create a custom field in Contently for your video. When you fill in your mapping in AEM, this custom field will appear in the drop-down that lists your Contently fields.

When you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page, we will create a new folder at the AEM DAM path you specified in your mapping. The name of this folder will match the name of your Contently story. Your assets from Contently will be uploaded to this new folder. We will then follow your mapping preferences and fill in your AEM image fields with the correct AEM DAM path for each of your images.

AEM Tag Fields
The Contently connector allows you to map AEM tag fields to a variety of Contently field types. Examples include: tags, Contently custom fields, and contributors. The value from your Contently field must already exist as a tag title in AEM. If the value in the Contently field does not match an existing tag title in AEM, your AEM tag field will be left empty when you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page. If multiple AEM tags have the same title as the value in the Contently field but a different namespace, each of the tags with that same title will be placed in your AEM tag field when you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page. You can map a variety of Contently fields into an AEM tag field.

AEM Textfield and Textarea Field
The Contently connector allows you to map AEM textfield and textarea fields to a variety of Contently fields. Examples include the Contently Title, Contently Body, the Story ID number, Creator, and your Contently custom fields. If your Contently Body has embedded images in it, we will upload the images from Contently to the AEM DAM path you specified in your mapping. We will then embed the correct AEM DAM path into the body copy for you before we fill in your AEM textfield or textarea field. This will enable you to place Contently content and embedded images directly into a component when you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page.

Note: Contently’s content editor supports basic HTML formatting. Your Contently Body field will be pulled into AEM as a simple content block as plain HTML with your formatting in tact. You will be able to edit this content block in AEM once it appears on your page. Content from formatted text custom fields will also appear in AEM as basic HTML.


By aem4beginner

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