January 2, 2021
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Configuring responsivegrid/Layout Container component

Responsive Layout/design in AEM web pages is achieved with the help of responsivegrid or Layout Container component. This provides a paragraph system that lets us add components and position them within the responsive grid.

Layout Container or responsivegrid component:
ResourceType : /libs/wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid

To make use of this in our site below needs to be done:
  • Include the Layout container component in the base page component or can be dragged and dropped from the component browser.
  • Include the responsive CSS
  • Enable Emulator
  • Enable Layout mode.
Including the component:
  • Include the responsivegrid component via data-sly-resource or cq:include in HTL or JSP respectively in base page component using which templates would be created and hence the pages.
  • In the case of editable templates, we can explicitly define responsivegrid component under the structure node of template-types.
  • It can also be allowed to be included from the component browser via drag and drop.
Include the responsive CSS:
  • Base grid definition is available at /etc/clientlibs/wcm/foundation/grid/grid_base.less
  • In our project specific clientibs, create a ".less" file say, style.less, and import the above base grid file and specify grid cells/columns required and grid definitions specific to the device.
  • Sample definition as available in Adobe helpx link
@import (once) "/etc/clientlibs/wcm/foundation/grid/grid_base.less";
/* maximum amount of grid cells to be provided */
@max_col: 12;
/* default breakpoint */
.aem-Grid {
.generate-grid(default, @max_col);
/* phone breakpoint */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.aem-Grid {
.generate-grid(phone, @max_col);
/* tablet breakpoint */
@media (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
.aem-Grid {
.generate-grid(tablet, @max_col);

Enable Emulator:

  • Create sling:osgiConfig node under project-specific config folder (/apps/training/confg) in the name - com.day.cq.wcm.mobile.core.impl.MobileEmulatorProvider-xxx (xxx - identifier to be provided specifically to project as it is a factory service) and a property named mobile.resourceTypes with the value being our project's base page components (using which templates and hence pages would be created.)
    • Eg: mobile.resourceTypes (String[]) - training/components/structure/page
  • Add property named "cq:deviceGroups" with value being /etc/mobile/groups/responsive in jcr:content of site's root page.
    • Eg: /content/training/jcr:content - cq:deviceGroups (String []) - /etc/mobile/groups/responsive
Enable Layout mode:
  • Layout mode will be available in the toolbar as one of the modes along with Edit/Design mode only if we specify Breakpoints.
  • Breakpoints are defined either at template level or at jcr:content of root page of the site so that all the pages created under that will have the mode available.
To be added under /content/training/jcr:content
cq:responsive (nt:unstructured)
breakpoints (nt:unstructured)
    phone (nt:unstructured) title and width as properties on this node
    tablet (nt:unstructured) title and width as properties on this node

With these four steps above, we will have responsivegrid component ready to use with Layout mode(position component within the grid)and with Emulator (for viewing how content will be rendered in configured devices)

By aem4beginner

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