January 2, 2021
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Fixing Last Dropdown Visibility in Fullscreen Dialog

I recently saw an issue with AEM dialogs where, if you have a Dropdown in the dialog and open that dialog in full screen, you have to scroll down to see the Dropdown items. This issue happens on AEM 6.5.0

The issue:

This is especially annoying on the page properties:

Do you see how I have to scroll to see the rest of the dropdown items? Although it is not a big deal, you can easily fix it with some CSS.
The CSS Fix

Create a clientlib with categories="[cq.authoring.dialog]"

Add the following CSS:
/* fix for page properties */
.cq-siteadmin-admin-properties , .cq-siteadmin-admin-properties .cq-dialog-content-page {
height: 100%;
/* fix for full screen component dialogs */
.coral3-Dialog--fullscreen .cq-dialog {
height: 100vh;
overflow-y: scroll;
.coral3-Dialog--fullscreen .cq-dialog .coral3-Dialog-content,
.coral3-Dialog--fullscreen .cq-dialog .cq-dialog-content {

and here is the result:

and in page properties:

That is it for this one. I hope you’ve enjoyed the complimentary GIFs!

By aem4beginner

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