January 4, 2021
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How to avoid AEM generated wrapping divs

'cq:htmlTag' can be used to manipulate the wrapper divs that are generated by default by AEM.

This can be added as an nt:unstructured node under the component.

Following properties need to be defined for this node:
1. cq:tagName: The tag that needs to be generated for the component (div, span, etc.)
2. class: The CSS class names that would be added to the tag generated as per 1.
3. id: The id of the tag that would be added to the tag generated as per 1.

Either of 2 or 3 or both can be used. However, if neither 'id' nor 'class' is defined, the tag doesn't get generated and AEM behaves in the default manner generating its own wrapping div.

As an example,

This will generate the component as -
<div id="component-id" class="grid-tile">

By aem4beginner

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