January 2, 2021
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Managing AEM Packages from the CLI

After the umpteenth time of having to check this excellent reference of the cURL commands for AEM to upload a package, I finally thought “this is silly”. So, I created a small script to make it easier to manage packages via the command line.

The AEM Package Manager is just that, a small script to help you manage scripts from the command line. This script is useful for many occasions, such as:
  • Exchanging content packages
  • Installing a dependency package outside the build
  • Or when you just want something quicker and easier than using the AEM web UI to upload a package
Using the script is as simple as:
  • Downloading the script from GitHub
  • Making it executable
  • Putting it in your system path
Once you have the script installed, you can use it as shown in the following examples:

List Packages
Lists all of the packages in the my_packages group.
danklco@EDS-Klco-MAC ~> aem-pkmgr list -g my_packages AVAILABLE PACKAGES ForLocalContent_062216 Description: Version: Group: my_packages Path: /etc/packages/my_packages/ForLocalContent_062216.zip TagsForLocal_071416 Description: Version: Group: my_packages Path: /etc/packages/my_packages/TagsForLocal_071416.zip tes Description: Version: tes Group: my_packages Path: /etc/packages/my_packages/tes-tes.zip

Download Package
Downloads the package /etc/packages/my_packages/TagsForLocal_071416.zip.
danklco@EDS-Klco-MAC ~> aem-pkmgr download -pk /etc/packages/my_packages/TagsForLocal_071416.zip DOWNLOADING PACKAGE /etc/packages/my_packages/TagsForLocal_071416.zip... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 41.3M 100 41.3M 0 0 140M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 140M

Upload / Install Package
Uploads and installs the package TagsForLocal_071416.zip.
danklco@EDS-Klco-MAC ~> aem-pkmgr upload-install -pk TagsForLocal_071416.zip UPLOADING PACKAGE TagsForLocal_071416.zip... 
<crx version="1.2.2" user="admin" workspace="crx.default"> 
 <param name="file" value="TagsForLocal_071416.zip"/> 
 <param name="force" value="true"/> 
 <param name="install" value="true"/> 
 </request> <response> 
 <version></version> <downloadName>TagsForLocal_071416.zip</downloadName> <size>43330621</size> 
 <created>Wed, 20 Jul 2016 12:41:05 -0500</created> <createdBy>admin</createdBy> 
 <lastModified>Wed, 20 Jul 2016 12:40:26 -0500</lastModified> <lastModifiedBy>admin</lastModifiedBy> 
 <lastUnpacked>Wed, 20 Jul 2016 15:33:04 -0500</lastUnpacked> <lastUnpackedBy>admin</lastUnpackedBy> 
Installing content... 
Collecting import information... 
Installing node types... 
- rep -&gt; internal 
- mix -&gt; http://www.jcp.org/jcr/mix/1.0 
- nt -&gt; http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0 
- sling -&gt; http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0 
- cq -&gt; http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0 
- sling:Folder 
- sling:Redirect 
- sling:Resource 
- cq:ReplicationStatus
 - cq:Tag 
- rep:RepoAccessControllable 
Installing privileges...
Importing content... - / 
- /etc 
- /etc/tags
 [... trim ...] 
saving approx 0 nodes...
 Package imported. 
Package installed in 55497ms. 
 <status code="200">ok</status> 

Hopefully, this helps you manage AEM packages via the command line. You can find more detailed usage documentation on the GitHub site.

By aem4beginner

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