March 30, 2021
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Get Child Properties of a Node in HTL

I'm expanding this Stack Overflow article to support for ANY child node. Like Gabriel implies, you can / should make this a global class that you can call anywhere.

package apps.YOURMOM.components.content.common.column;

import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUse;



public class Logic extends WCMUse {

    private ValueMap childProperties;


    public void activate() throws Exception {

        String child = get("child", String.class);

        Resource childResource = getResource().getChild(child);

        childProperties = childResource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);


    public ValueMap getChild() {

        return childProperties;




<div data-sly-use.logic="${'Logic' @ child='col1'}" 


data-sly-resource="${ @path='col1/column-par', resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/parsys'}"

class="${[col1.mobileWidth, col1.tabletportraitWidth, col1.tabletlandscapeWidth, col1.desktopWidth, col1.columnClass] @ join=' ', context='styleToken'}" 

id="${col1.columnId @ context='styleToken'}"></div>

  1. We pass in a variable called "col1" to our Logic class.
  2. We test to see if the node exists and assign it a variable ("col1")
  3. We then use that variable to grab our style values.

By aem4beginner

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