March 30, 2021
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Scripting AEM Oak Compaction

Offline compaction is still the Adobe recommended way of compacting Oak. Below is a script to help automate the entire process. Please keep in mind that you will need to download a version of Oak Run that matches your repository version.
  1. Shutdown AEM
  2. Find Old Checkpoints
  3. Remove Unreferenced Checkpoints
  4. Compact Oak
  5. Restart AEM
Each step will log basic information into a file using the current date. The stop and start processes specifically write the exact time they were kicked off.

Note: I've taken the liberty of adding a few arguments to the compaction process to help with memory issues. You can read about tar memory mapping here.

now="$(date +'%d-%m-%Y')"

## Shutdown AEM
printf "Shutting down AEM.\n"
echo "AEM Shutdown at: $now" >> $installfolder/help/logs/$logfile

## Find old checkpoints
printf "Finding old checkpoints.\n"
java -Dtar.memoryMapped=true -Xms8g -Xmx8g -jar $oakrun checkpoints $aemfolder/repository/segmentstore >> $installfolder/help/logs/$logfile

## Delete unreferenced checkpoints
printf "Deleting unreferenced checkpoints.\n"
java -Dtar.memoryMapped=true -Xms8g -Xmx8g -jar $oakrun checkpoints $aemfolder/repository/segmentstore rm-unreferenced >> $installfolder/help/logs/$logfile

## Run compaction
printf "Running compaction. This may take a while.\n"
java -Dtar.memoryMapped=true -Xms8g -Xmx8g -jar $oakrun compact $aemfolder/repository/segmentstore >> $installfolder/help/logs/$logfile

## Report Completed
printf "Compaction complete. Please check the log at:\n"
printf "$installfolder/help/logs/$logfile\n"

## Start AEM back up
printf "Starting up AEM.\n"
echo "AEM Startup at: $now" >> $installfolder/help/logs/$logfile

By aem4beginner

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