1. React Beta Docs
New React docs with hooks, interactive examples, and diagrams. https://beta.reactjs.org
2. Create React App
2. Create React App
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
3. React Developer Tools
3. React Developer Tools
Inspect the React component hierarchies in your browser console. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/react-developer-tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi…
4. Evergreen
4. Evergreen
React UI framework for building ambitious products on the web. https://evergreen.segment.com
5. Chakra UI
5. Chakra UI
A modular component library to build React apps quickly.
6. Framer Motion
6. Framer Motion
A production-ready motion library for React.
7. Storybook
7. Storybook
A frontend workshop for building UI components and pages. https://storybook.js.org
8. Bit
8. Bit
The leading toolchain for component-driven development.
9. Recoil
9. Recoil
A state management library for React.
10. React bits
10. React bits
React patterns, techniques, tips and tricks.
11. UseHooks
11. UseHooks
Easy to understand React Hook recipes.
12. CodeSandbox
12. CodeSandbox
Navigate to http://react.new to create an instant sandbox for React. https://react.new
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