December 19, 2022
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150+ Full-Stack Web Project Ideas

150+ Full-Stack Web Project Ideas
❍ JavaScript
❍ Java
❍ C#
❍ Python
❍ Golang

or, anything.

The project ideas are leveled into these groups. As per your suitability, choose a level.
➋ HTML, CSS & JavaScript
➌ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, External API
➍ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Back End
➎ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Back End, Database


⬘ Single Page
➀ Tribute Page
➁ Conference or, Event Page
➂ Book Launch Page
➃ Announcement Page
➄ FAQ Page (Collapse, Expand Section)
➅ 404 Page
➆ Thank You (post subscription) Page
➇ Unsubscribed Page
➈ Pricing Page
➉ About Us Page

➀➀ Get Started Page
➀➁ Splash Page
➀➂ Squeeze Page
➀➃ Advertisement Page

⬗ Personal Portfolio
➀ Photographer
➁ Model
➂ Music Artist
➃ Dancer
➄ Blogger
➅ Vlogger
➆ Teacher/Educator
➇ Equity Investor
➈ Influencer
➉ Social Activist

⬙ Static Applications
➀ Music Store
➁ Book Store
➂ Grocery Site
➃ Restaurant
➄ Official Documentation

➋ HTML, CSS & JavaScript
⬘ Unit Conversion
➀ Currency
➁ Weight
➂ Height
➃ Temperature
➄ Distance
➅ Area
➆ Volume
➇ Time
➈ Numbers (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal)
➉ Color Code (RGB to HSL)

⬗ Calculation
➀ Basic Calculator
➁ Scientific Calculator
➂ Loan EMI Calculator
➃ Fixed Deposit Returns Calculator
➄ Interest Calculator
➅ BMI Calculator
➆ Item Price (considering tax, discount, shipping)
➇ Tip Calculator
➈ Word Count
➉ Text Similarity Count

⬙ Clock
➀ Analog Clock
➁ Digital Clock
➂ World Clock
➃ Localised Clock (based on Timezone)
➄ Stopwatch
➅ Timer
➆ Counter (specific seconds)
➇ Hello Message based on time of day
➈ Display Day of Week

⬖ Random Generator
➀ Message
➁ Quote
➂ Joke
➃ Eminent Personality
➄ Twitter Profile
➅ Food
➆ Book
➇ Movie
➈ Song
➉ Color
➀➀ Shape
➀➁ Touring Spot
➀➂ Stock

⬘ Visuals
➀ Generate Color
➁ Generate Gradient Color
➂ Image Slider
➃ Image Carousel
➄ Flash Cards
➅ Square Cards
➆ Typewriter style Writing
➇ Sticky Notes
➈ Sticky Navigation
➉ Modal Popup
➀➀ Accordion
➀➁ Tooltip
➀➂ Background Colour Switcher
➀➃ Dark Mode/Light Mode Theme
➀➄ Star Rating

⬗ Form
➀ Accept a text, return a message
➁ Contact Form
➂ Form validation

⬙ Game
➀ Tic Tac Toe
➁ Rock Paper Scissor
➂ Balloon Popping

Pop the Balloon by moving mouse over them
➃ Coin Toss
➄ Snake Ladder
➅ Dice Game
➆ Guess a Number
➇ Word Guessing
➈ Math Calculation
➉ Whack-a-mole!

⬖ Applications
➀ Quiz
➁ TODO List
➂ Notes List
➃ Grocery Tracker
➄ Monthly Budget
➅ Shopping Cart
➆ Digital Course App
➇ Music Player
➈ Video Player
➉ Official Documentation

➌ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, External API
Consume APIs and, display data in UI
➀ Unsplash API
➁ Weather API
➃ Wikipedia API
➄ Marvel API
➅ Github API
➆ Recipes
➇ Restaurants
➈ RSS News Feed
➉ Twitter API
➀➀ Words API
➀➁ Google Translate API
➀➂ Dictionary
➀➃ Text to Speech
➀➄ Any Stock API
➀➅ Crypto Price API
➀➆ Currency Exchange
➀➇ Covid-19 API
Find more APIs:

➍ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Back End
Develop below by using sample or fake data coming from Back End.

⬘ Applications
➀ Music Store
➁ Book Store
➂ Grocery Site
➃ Restaurant

⬗ Random
➀ Message
➁ Quote
➂ Joke
➃ Food
➄ Book
➅ Movie

⬙ Complex Applications
➀ In the back end, consume data from multiple APIs. Consolidate and send back to the front end.
➁ Form Validations on the server side. Send back the success or error message.

➎ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Back End, Database
A few use cases are,
➀ User Authentication
➁ Form Validation (Back-End & Database)
➂ Fetch a long list using pagination

Develop the below applications by fetching data from Database. Develop a CRUD application to add/update/remove data.

⬘ Applications
➀ Music Store
➁ Book Store
➂ Grocery Site
➃ Restaurant

⬗ Random
➀ Message
➁ Quote
➂ Joke
➃ Food
➄ Book
➅ Movie

🏁 Finally
⬘ Are you overwhelmed by seeing this huge list?
⬗ Don't attempt all at once. Go step by step. Implement only those many projects which you feel are necessary.
⬙ Don't stop here. Bring your own ideas and share those beautiful projects with everyone.

By aem4beginner

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