December 22, 2022
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21 things I wish I knew when I started to code (and you should, too):

21 things I wish I knew when I started to code (and you should, too):

1. Coding is about problem-solving.
Being a programmer is way more than sitting in front of the computer.

It's a powerful tool to solve a lot of real-world problems and make people's lives easier.

If you are capable to do it, you will always be looked after.

2. The golden rule is planning.
Each and every successful project starts with lots of planning.
Make sure you identify the goal, define tasks, etc.
Use a pen and paper or any online wireframing tool and try to come up with a schema of what your solution would look like.

3. The content is king.
Without content your site is empty.
If you are dealing with static content, make sure it is well presented.
Always try to project what type of content you will create or receive and design your layout, code, and database structures based on that.

4. Coding should be the last phase of a project.
Beginners may think that every project always starts with coding.
It's actually just the technical implementation of all the planning that was done before and should be the last step of solving the problem.

5. You have everything at your fingertips.
It's not the 50s or 60s anymore, where you would have to go to the library to study some topic.
All the info you need is within reach of the hand. Use your brain and the internet.

6. You don't need extreme hardware to code.
Cutting edge processor, massive amounts of RAM, and 5 monitors are all optional.
A mid-range laptop is more than enough to get started out.

7. You don't need to be great at math.
Coding has often been associated with some geniuses with a 200+ IQ, based on the movies we have seen.

It could get math-heavy in topics like AI, robotics, cryptography, but in order to start, you need to know just the basic operations.

8. Finding the right workflow is not easy.
Experiment with different extensions and settings.
It will take lots of time to understand what works for you and how to tie everything together.
But it will be very rewarding for your productivity later on.

9. The perfect timing is now.
Saving in bookmarks is just a fancy word for procrastination.
Your best bet to be productive is to do it now.

10. Syncing makes you mobile.
Sync all the browser and IDE/code editor extensions and settings on every machine you work on.

It will assure that you work in the same environment wherever you are.

11. There are multiple ways of achieving.
Once I started to code, I thought the logic in code is very strict and has to follow a certain pattern.
In reality, the only strict variable is the syntax of the language used.

12. Naming things is hard.
It might sound like an easy task at the beginning, but you will find out how challenging it can be, especially for larger-scale projects.

13. Take mistakes as lessons.
If you take any success story, you will find it's actually a continuous try and error pattern, persistence and curiosity are the keys.

14. Recreating is 10X easier than writing ground-up.
When re-creating an existing app, you have a clear understanding of the layout and building principles of the project. And those are often the most challenging parts.

15. It's important to find your niche.
Wandering around from niche to niche will take you nowhere.
Define your interest and research the fields available before jumping into one.

16. Be curious about why things work.
Always try to discover the under-the-hood stuff.
Don't be enough with seeing stuff somehow magically working.

17. Tools are your keys to productivity.
A man/woman is only as good as his/her tools.
Invest time in creating a proper tool-stack as it pays off big time!

18. Passionate projects keep you going.
When it comes to side project ideas, pick something you are truly interested in.
This will boost your motivation as you care for the end result.

19. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
The development space is constantly evolving, so prepare yourself for continuous learning.
By starting too fast, you will get tired quickly.

20. People you follow are the information you consume.
Pay attention to the people you follow on social media.
That dictates the quality of the feed you read and the information you take in.

21. Do not reinvent the wheel.
Before jumping into the project, take a look at what other developers have used to solve similar problems.

There should already be the solution for virtually anything, it's just a matter of how good are you at searching.

By aem4beginner

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