December 21, 2022
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Boost your JavaScript logic-building skills without studying DSA

Boost your JavaScript logic-building skills without studying DSA:

1. Focus on Fundamentals
- first have a solid understanding of fundamentals, such as variables, data types, operators, conditional branching, loops, functions, arrays
- then move to advanced concepts such as OOP, asynchronous programming & functional programming

2. Be Consistent
- I cannot stress this enough, solving problems every day & rigorously challenging oneself is a great way to become capable of building superior logic
- nothing can help you unless you spend time coding yourself

3. Think before you Code
- before you start writing code, take some time to understand the requirements of the problem & think about the best way to approach it

4. Break Problems Down into Smaller Chunks
- if you’re overwhelmed with a problem, break the problem down into smaller, more manageable tasks & plan out your solution step by step

5. Look at Other People’s Code

- pay attention to how other developers approach problems & think about how you can apply their techniques to your own work
- you may also lookup code uploaded to GitHub & StackOverflow

6. Revisit your Old Code
- revisiting is going back over the implementation of a working feature in order to try to improve it
- think about how it could be improved, look for any errors or inefficiencies & consider different ways to refactor your code to make it more efficient

7. Never Stop Learning
- keeping up with the latest developments in the field of programming by reading blogs/tutorials, attending conferences/workshops, and learning new programming languages/frameworks

8. Practice, Practice & Practice!

Improve logic-building skills in JavaScript:

1. Focus on Fundamentals
2. Be Consistent
3. Think before you Code
4. Break Problems Down into Smaller Chunks
5. Look at Other People’s Code
6. Revisit your Old Code
7. Never Stop Learning
8. Practice

By aem4beginner

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