December 19, 2022
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Full Stack Developer RoadMap

Full Stack Developer RoadMap🧑‍💻

📁 Frontend
∟‍👨‍💻 HTML + CSS
∟👨‍💻 JavaScript

📁 Version Control
∟👨‍💻 Git / GitHub

📁 Framework
∟👨‍💻 React / Vue / Angular
∟👨‍💻 Tailwind

📁 Backend
∟👨‍💻 Python / Node / PHP
∟👨‍💻 Postgres / Mongo /MySQL

If I would start learning HTML and CSS again, it would be like this:
2. Basics of CSS (selectors, properties)
2. Box model, positioning
3. Responsive web design
4. Media queries
5: Flexbox
6: Bootstrap/TailwindCSS
7: Build a project after every step

Next: JavaScript

By aem4beginner

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