December 20, 2022
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Here are 43 sales tips that will make you a millionaire in 2023

Here are 43 sales tips that will make you a millionaire in 2023:

These will teach you more than a $38,000 business degree. 

1. Price does not exist. It's a myth. Nothing is cheap or expensive. Perspective exists.

2. Starbucks is one of the best places to find clients.

3. People buy on emotion more than they buy with logic.

4. People buy on emotion, and justify with logic...

5. Making money is easy in theory, but harder in practice. Take more action. Less strategy.

6. Most people do not get wealthy because they either lack knowledge or drive.

7. Online sales is = as hard as offline.

8. Everything we do is a transaction.

9. It costs $0,00 to post online. Do it. Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are your best friends.

10. Reading books is great, but pointless if the knowledge isn't applied. Read, learn, and then apply.

11. Focus on high ROI (return on investment) activities, not BS stuff.

12. Have 2 mentors max for 1 thing, not 97.

13. The best soft-skill in Sales is empathy.

14. Sales is a combination of many other skills.

15. Persuasion and psychology will help you make more money than everything else.

16. If you don't believe in your product, no one else will.

17. No trust = no sales! easy

18. Start helping, stop selling, and watch sales pour in like rain in London.

19. Referrals are the easiest way to get an extra sale. Ask for them.

20. Most people just need security, in order to buy.

21. Serve people's primary desires, and your sales will grow.

22. Want more clients? Solve more problems!

23. Some deals are not worth closing. If it smells like shit, and it tastes like shit, then it's probably shit.

24. Everyone is selling, but not all do it well.

25. Listen more, talk less. You will sell more.

26. No one knows the actual definition of salesy, so don't worry about it.

27. More conversations = more sales!

28. Most people buy YOU, so don't act. BE.

29. People buy the whole experience, not just a small part of it. Be polite from the start!

30. Early birds get the worm. Speed is money baby. Be responsive.

By aem4beginner

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