December 20, 2022
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History Of JavaScript

History Of JavaScript
History Of JavaScript JavaScript was created in May 1995 in 10 days, by Brendan Eich. Netscape navigator, the web browser, wanted a “glue language”, to use images etc. with HTML.

Initially, JavaScript’s name changed several times: - Its code name was *Mocha*. - Java was famous at that time, hence the name “JavaScript” was chosen to ride on Java’s success. - In the Netscape Navigator 2.0 betas (September 1995), it was called *LiveScript*.

- In Netscape Navigator 2.0 beta 3 (December 1995), it got its final name, *JavaScript*. - Microsoft created a reverse-engineered version of JavaScript, know as JScript.

In 1996-1997 JavaScript was taken to ECMA to carve out a standard specification. - ECMA-262 is hosted by ECMA International. It is the primary standard.

History Of JavaScript 
1. JavaScript History begins with Al Gore's invention of the Internet. 

2. Essentially, he introduced the Gore bill, which gave financing for MOSAIC, the first major stream browser.

3. MOSIAC was created at the University of Illinois by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina and launched for Unix systems in January 1993. Later that year, ports for Macintosh and Windows were released, and MOSAIC was the first web browser to introduce the Internet to the mainstream.

4. After graduating in 1993, Marc Andreessen moved to California and co-founded Netscape, which would hold 80% of the browser market share within a few years. Marc Andreessen felt at this time that browsers needed to become more dynamic.

5. They then intended to recruit Brendan Eich, whose task it was to put the scheme Programming language in a browser while maintaining a syntax that resembled java, and they needed it done rapidly.

6. The initial version of JavaScript was released just ten days later, but it wasn't called JavaScript at the time; instead, it was named Mocha. 

7. Mocha was renamed LiveScript in September 1995, and it was included in the initial beta releases of Netscape Navigator 2.0.

8. They renamed LiveScript to JavaScript in December 1995. 

9. JScript was developed by Microsoft as a reverse-engineered version of JavaScript.

10. JavaScript was presented to ECMA in 1996-1997 with the goal of creating a standard specification.

11. ECMA International is the host for ECMA-262. It's the most important criterion. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are the host organizations for ISO/IEC 16262. (IEC).

By aem4beginner

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